Sharing with you things that are on my mind...Maybe yours too. Come back to Wrights Lane for a visit anytime! And, by all means, let's hear from you by leaving a comment at the end of any post. THE MOTIVATION: I firmly believe that if I have felt, experienced or questioned something in life, then surely others must have too. That's what this blog is all about -- hopefully relating in some meaningful way -- sharing, if you will, on subjects of an inspirational and human interest nature. Nostalgia will frequently find its way into some of the items...And lots of food for thought. A work in progress, to be sure.

08 April, 2020


As told to a little boy we'll call "Johnny"
There is an old story about a rich man who had acquired his wealth through a series of questionable business deals. He decided to enter politics and run for public office. At the height of his campaign, he burst into the editorial office of the local newspaper and exclaimed, “You are telling lies about me in your paper, and you know it! To which the editor replied, “I wouldn’t complain if I were you. What would you do if we told the truth about you?”

Is seems as though one result of our indifference to truth is that there are very few ideals today which we are unwilling to sacrifice. As we adults forget the true purpose of life -- as we lose our grasp on the basic certainties of life -- we also lose the energy to live up to these basic ideals. Because we have lost our passion for truth, we find it difficult to affirm even the ordinary loyalties of life. It seems that too many of us love truth less than others hate it.

Now, there was once a Man of Love. A carpenter by trade, he went around the country helping people. When he saw those who were unhappy, he told them, "You weren't meant to be unhappy. Love made you. And could Love have meant anything for you but happiness? Then believe that you are the child of Love and claim your happiness!" And the people who believed what he said got a new vision of themselves and their world. The people who were sick were made whole, and the people who were poor found the means to meet their needs...And the people who were unhappy began to sing songs of praise, of Love and of life.

However, the rulers of the land in those days did not like what this man was saying. They were fearful that if people began to live by the Love he espoused, there would be no need for kings and judges like them. They were fearful also that if they had to run the kind of world that Love had made, they would not know how. "He's a public enemy," they insisted.

They got rid of this upstart named "Jesus" by crucifying him on a roughly constructed cross planted on a hill called Calvary, along with several other criminals of the day.

An ancient holy book known as the Bible subsequently revealed years later that, as prophesied at his birth, the wrongly condemned young man actually died for the sins of others in the world at the time and those who would follow, including you and I. After his cruel death he was acknowledged as the Messiah, the Savior of Mankind and Lord of All; and he lives in the hearts of his faithful followers to this day. 

Imagine that!

The truth revealed, my son. And all you have to do is remember it with the purpose and passion that I know exists within you.

That"s all for now...There's more to the story of Jesus, but we'll talk about that next time. I promise.

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