A message and colouring exercise for children at St. Andrew's, Chatsworth, Sept.29, 2019.
Has anyone ever told you a secret?
What do you think the angels were trying to find out?
Well, a long, long time ago, God created the first man and woman. Their names were Adam and Eve. God gave them a beautiful home called the Garden of Eden.
All Adam and Eve had to do was to obey God and they and their children could have made the whole earth a paradise, or a wonderful place to live in for ever. But do you know what Adam and Eve did?
Adam and Eve disobeyed God by breaking the only rule He gave them, and that is why we still do not live in paradise today. But God did say that he would make the whole earth beautiful, and everyone would live forever and be happy.
How would he do this? For a long time, people did not know. It was a secret.
When Jesus came to earth, he taught people more about this secret. He said that it was about God’s Kingdom and he told people to pray for this Kingdom to come because it will make the earth a beautiful paradise.
So we have to remember that only those who obey God will live in the wonderful place known as Paradise in a Kingdom that is beyond our wildest dreams.
The Bible tells us many stories of men and women who obeyed God and it helps us to learn how to live by their example. That is why we keep saying our prayers and why we come to church every Sunday because we want to find out everything we can about how we might live in God's Kingdom for ever and ever.
It is a lot for you to understand right now, but as you get older it will start to unfold for you. For now, just do a lot of watching, listening and asking questions about the Bible stories you hear. Somehow, I know you will.
~~ Written by your church friend, Dick Wright
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