Have a holly, jolly Christmas
It’s the best time of the year
I don’t know if there’ll be snow
But have a cup of cheer
Have a holly, jolly Christmas
And when you walk down the street
Say hello to friends you know
And everyone you meet
Oh, ho the mistletoe
Hung where you can see
Somebody waits for you
Kiss her once for me
Have a holly, jolly Christmas
And in case you didn’t hear
Oh by golly have a holly jolly Christmas
This year
NOTE TO READER: This post is not intended to take anything away from the "real" reason why we of the Christian faith celebrate the Christmas season. Rather, it is to give significance to the "Holly Jolly" aspect of Christmas that has been introduced with the emergence of a mythical old gent by the name Santa Claus and the spirit of giving.
Initially, it should be explained that "real reality" is used to distinguish an experience or interaction from virtual reality or any other fictional, fantasy or lifelike experience. Philosophically speaking, what is and isn't real is a matter of debate, especially when virtual reality and other digital experiences are becoming increasingly hard to distinguish from real-life experiences.‘Tis the season to be jolly! But to do that, is it necessary to believe in a plump little man with a white beard who gives away presents?
Absolutely not! Because there really was a Santa Claus … St. Nicholas, whose nickname was Sinter Klaas, a shortened form of Sint Nikolaas (Dutch for Saint Nicholas). He was admired for his piety and kindness, and it is said he gave away all his inherited wealth and traveled the countryside helping the poor and sick.
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Dr. Pieter Noonmen |
In my studies I have discovered another humble, pious man who spread joy, kindness and wisdom … and who also has passed on (2019), yet is still offering his “gifts” to all those who care to have them, just as free as Santa’s Christmas presents. His name was Dr. Pieter Noomen, and his gifts are the massive amount of wise and spiritual writings he posted on his website.
Another similarity between St. Nick and Pieter Noomen is that both believed in a higher power, and many of Dr. Noomen’s writings are the words of that higher power, which he believed were spoken directly to him. He didn’t like to make a big deal out of it; he just wanted to share what he had learned. Perfectly relatable in the context of one like-minded writer to another.
“I hesitate to provide personal data,” the late Dr. Noomen once said. “Not because there are things to hide, but because my not-spectacular background may, in a negative way, influence readers who are not familiar with the world in which I grew up -- the Western European and the North American culture. The particulars of my life as an average person are not too interesting, except that they may lead to the wondering, ‘If someone like him (St. Nicholas) was given the possibility to be in direct contact with the full, the Real Reality, while still on earth, then it must be possible for me, too.’”
And perhaps it’s possible for all of us, too. Here is what Dr. Noomen said he was told by his Real Reality one December day:
“You are in the midst of Christmas celebrations. Many, also outside of your culture, are touched by its sphere. 'Peace on earth,' indeed, means global harmony in activities and interests for all pulling and pushing forces. Each human being, with or without religion, has moments of longing for this. Naturally, because it is a component of their own constitution. Allowing this longing to grow and acting upon it solidifies your connection with eternity. It will not bring 'heaven on earth,’ but it uncovers what existence is all about.”
Oh, how those words and the ones that follow resonate with me!
“When you live up to your nature as a free contributor to the totality of life and do that as harmoniously as you can by being a bringer of peace, forgiveness and new perspectives, then your journey is a blessed one.”
POST NOTE: Dr. Pieter Noomen sought to forever change the soul of humanity through meticulously recollecting the communications he shared with a spiritual presence, which brought him profound wisdom and insight. His website, www.wordsforall.org, is for anyone seeking an authentic connection with our Maker.
The time will come for all of us to meet our Maker. But, according to Noomen, we need not wait until the end of our physical lives to experience a direct, personal connection with the One Who Is Life.
Noomen, who passed away in April 2019, was a psychotherapist who, about 25 years ago, began studying the insights of Dr. Peter D. Francuch, who communicated with what he called “the Positive State.” Noomen would go on to read about, and meet, others who had experienced a direct, personal connection with the One Who Is Life — and that is when his own spiritual path widened significantly. Before his passing, Noomen shared his remarkable experiences and offered access to the Source of that information in his writings on his previously-mentioned website.
He posited that directly or indirectly, life stems from one common source and that to connect with that source is the highest level of existence we can achieve on earth. Over the course of many years, he experienced transformative “visits” on the spirit level — and he freely shared the universal and eternal facts of life that were communicated to him.
As Noomen himself explained, “I can only say that the information came from a presence on my innermost spiritual level I was in communication with for some time. The words seem the result of my spirit merging with the spirit of life It/Her/Himself.”
Visitors to Noomen’s website can read about the 12 components of life through his 12 booklets: Oneness, Love, Life, Fire, Space, Connectedness, Progression, Effect, Free-dom, Joy, Differentness and Harmony. Throughout his writings, Noomen avoids using the name of any deity, such as God, and instead uses what he refers to as The Seven Names, each of which relates on a human level to the situation at hand: One Holy, Love, Truth, Proper, Healing, Manifestation and Energy.
A series of lessons on the site shares 147 thought-provoking questions and the illuminating answers that came to him during his extensive communications with the All Spirit.
“In death,” Noomen wrote, “everyone will, without exception and in a purely personal way, find out whether or not there is another dimension of existence.” The reflections shared on Noomen’s website invite readers to not wait until the end of their earthly lives for the answer.
Born in the Netherlands, Dr. Noomen completed doctoral studies in theology and pastoral psychology at the Free University of Amsterdam and was senior minister of three protestant churches. Later he worked as a psychotherapist and as a staff member of a Los Angeles metropolitan church. He was involved in mental health issues like suicide prevention and hospice.