I don't often get on a soapbox and vent my opinions like this, but I am getting FED UP, along with millions of other Canadians who just want to have a good life in what is supposed to be the Best Country in the world to live in..
Our world of politicians has finally downgraded itself into a cesspool of miserable, self-serving individuals who seem to do nothing but engage themselves in a giant game of "King of the Castle". Their whole existence seems to revolve around dragging down all others, in whatever manner possible, so that they get to sit on the highest seat on Parliament Hill.
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Mr. and Mrs. Louis de Beaudrap |
I don't care what your views are, what they were, who your parents are, how privileged you are or are not, or whether you dressed up in a costume 20 years ago in a more innocent time... All I care about is how YOU are going to help this country get out of the mess that has developed, and what your part is going to be in a cooperative, democratic system that is going to make it happen, and damn soon.
When I try to listen to candidates speak in a Forum or debate, all I see is foolish idiotic opportunists who talk over each other, lack respect for each other, and continually discredit each other. When You want my time to listen to your agenda, this is not what I want to hear. I want you to respect my time, and each other, listen to what the others say, and carefully form your words to complement their position , prove your way is better, and then let ME make the decision of what I will vote for. I don't want to waste my time listening to whining, finger-pointing brats trying to outdo each other with innuendos and accusations. I will decide who is the better person - not you.
The Legislatures and Parliament houses have become nothing but big sandboxes, full of disgusting children, fighting, mudslinging, and whining. If these people were our children, they would be punished for such behaviour. Children who tattle and bully each other do nothing but hurt each other, and make it impossible for cooperation. The job of Government is to accept the election results, and then get on with a productive mission by ALL elected persons to make things happen for the betterment of our great Country. If all they do is squabble, delay, strategize on how to make the others look bad, then nothing gets done for another 4 years. It has become so bad, that the Speaker of the House cannot even control the heckling, shouting and disrespect that takes up entire days, where nothing can get done because of it.
If nothing is going to change after an election, then why bother ?? !! Why make us all listen to the diarrhea before and after the election, spend millions in having the election, spend all the time and effort to encourage us to vote, and then have nothing change? Why, why, why?
I want to be able to take a visiting guest into the gallery of my Provincial Government or My Federal Government House, and proudly look down on a group of people who are actually busy Doing Something to help my Province or Country, and be able to proudly say, " There is my Government at work, for ME " Such has not been the case for a long, long time.
It is true, that, if you look south across the border there are persons in that Government that are behaving the same or even worse, but that does not give us an excuse to accept that behaviour here. We are better than that, and our politicians need to start proving it, and acting better. It does nothing but make us look weak and ineffective in the world.
If any politician cannot work FOR our country instead of for his own gain, and if he cannot stop behaving like a spoiled, whiny child, then he needs to go home, and make room for someone who will do the work. Being an elected seat-holder does not mean you are working to better your own pension and position. Being an elected individual means you are there to Get Things Done. If you do a good job, your pension will come later. In the meantime, we need accountability and Performance Reviews to decide if you are going to be around long enough to get a pension. We "common folks" have to accomplish productivity and beneficial results to keep our jobs. You should be held to the same expectations. If we behaved at work in the same manner as what I see in Parliament, we would be fired, and very quickly.
So, let's stop trying to drag up hurtful things from years ago, that have no relevance to the present. Let's look at present performance and platforms that offer reasonable and promising results for the benefit of All. And let's work together to help make those things happen.
Let's not do the "fake soccer injury thing" every time another person opens their mouth. Let's not pull the race card out on every issue, just for attention.
Let's not start false/exaggerated/irrelevant stories about each other to rile up the masses. We can see right through this kind of nonsense. We don't have time for that. We do have time to see productive results.
Let's pull up our socks and Get to Work, with diligence, honor, integrity, ambition, and ethics. Let's not secretly run around and try to push our own agenda down the throats of those who pay the taxes to allow you to be elected in the first place. You work for Us, not the other way around. Remember that.
It is time to take a look in the mirror for every elected person, and for them to ask the question, " Am I honestly doing a good job, - Am I actually Earning the pay cheque I get? Am I working with my Country's best interest in mind, or just trying to push my own opinions to the fore? Do I belong here in Parliament/Legislature ? Do I have the respect of my electors? "
If you cannot look yourself in the eyes and find a good, true answer of "Yes" to all of these questions, -- then just go home. You are not doing a damn bit of good for us. Canada is a Great Country, one I used to be prouder of than I am today. I want that proud feeling to come back. So do millions of other Canadians.
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