More times than I can count in the past year I have been accused of pontification, but that is what I do as a writer who always tries to deliver a deeply-felt message, sometimes popular and other times no so popular. In sharing with readers, more often than not I think things through as I write -- and perhaps selfishly, for my own benefit. This is all by way of saying that my one New Years resolution is to steer clear of "pontification" where ever possible. So on this last day of 2017, I indulge myself one final time. It is going to be difficult expressing myself in the future, but we'll see.
An old Irish New Year’s toast goes like this, “May all your troubles in the coming year be as short as your New Year’s resolutions.”
A new calendar tells us that we have been given a fresh gift to build and change our lives. Every new year and every new day is an opportunity to get it “righter” than the day before and the year before.
Ideally, our focus and priorities must no longer be centered in the things of this earth, but on the things of a spiritual nature. This, of course, is a very real challenge, because we still have to live in the real world, with all of its stress and struggle.
Focusing on spiritual things does not remove the stress and struggle altogether, but it certainly makes a huge difference in our ability to both survive and thrive. As we try to live a more spiritually focused life in the new year, here are a few Bible-inspired practical priorities. Please bear with me for a few minutes, if you can spare the time.
Priority #1 - Forget About Yesterday:
The Apostle Paul wrote, “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 3:13-14)
As we know, Paul was a man who had some things from his past that could haunt him if he let them. He had made some terrible mistakes that brought great suffering to others.
There is not one of us who doesn’t have something negative in our past that could immobilize us.
Failures, hurts, disappointments happen to all of us. But God, I am sure, does not want us dwelling on them. He would rather have us come to Him for forgiveness and healing of yesterday's pain.
It is a gift that we can walk in newness of life, that we can forget those things in the past and live in the present. So that’s a good place for us to start the new year -- to forget about yesterday.
Priority #2 -- Don't worry about tomorrow:
I know that this one is easier said than done. Tomorrow can be so overwhelming with the potential for pain and insufficiency.
Jesus gave us this prescription, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you, by worrying, can add a single hour to his life?...So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Those words were taken from Matthew 6.
The Apostle Paul wrote, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
Corrie Ten Boom, who had suffered greatly in her life said, “Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrows; it empties today of strength.” Our only hope and help is in trust and faith. Whatever we face in the new year, we will be better off if we make it a priority to forget the past, and not worry about the future.
Priority #3 - Make Today Count:
The famous funny man, Groucho Marx, said, “Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn’t here yet. I have just one day - today - and I can choose how I shall be! And I choose to be happy!!” True enough, the only day we have and literally the only moment we have is now. We are not promised tomorrow, nor
even the rest of today!
Psalm 118:24 puts it this way, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Focusing on one day at a time frees us from the burden of the past, and the worry of the future.
Priority #4 - Help Every Person You Can:
When we focus all our attention on ourselves, we get lost in our struggles, but when we turn our
attention outward, we realize the tremendous blessing of helping others. It helps to remind ourselves that every person we encounter is facing some kind of challenge, or is carrying some kind of heartache. Our own personal struggles or heartaches may be bigger or smaller than theirs, it makes no difference.
If we seek to be a blessing to those we meet, then both parties will be blessed. Paul wrote in Galatians 6:10, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” In the chapter before that one, Paul beautifully summarized the Christian life with these words, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” We tend to forget that point in coping with the rigors of today's busy and often demanding world.
As we move into this new year, let’s make it a priority to claim God’s promises and in so doing walk by faith. And when we know that there is something we should do or change, let’s not delay in acting on the impulse.
The old Nike commercial, “Just Do It,” is a good recipe when following the inner voice that exists in all of us.
May the New Year be filled with happiness and contentment, my friend! You deserve every bit of it.
Sharing with you things that are on my mind...Maybe yours too. Come back to Wrights Lane for a visit anytime! And, by all means, let's hear from you by leaving a comment at the end of any post. THE MOTIVATION: I firmly believe that if I have felt, experienced or questioned something in life, then surely others must have too. That's what this blog is all about -- hopefully relating in some meaningful way -- sharing, if you will, on subjects of an inspirational and human interest nature. Nostalgia will frequently find its way into some of the items...And lots of food for thought. A work in progress, to be sure.
31 December, 2017
30 December, 2017
What would the arrival of another New Year be without a few words on resolutions from the old Wrighter?
Here is a list of the top 10 New Years resolutions for 2018...You know, you've probably made every one of them yourself over the years:
1 -- Lose Weight
2 -- Getting Organized
3 -- Spend Less, Save More
4 -- Enjoy Life to the Fullest
5 -- Staying Fit and Healthy
6 -- Learn Something Exciting
7 -- Quit Smoking
8 -- Help Others in Their Dreams
9 -- Fall in Love
10 -- Spend More Time with Family
Now consider the following statistics on New Years resolutions.
-- Percent of those who usually make New Year’s Resolutions -- 45%
-- Percent of those who infrequently make New Year’s Resolutions -- 17%
-- Percent of individuals who absolutely never make New Year’s Resolutions -- 38%
-- Percent of people who are successful in achieving their resolution -- 8%
-- Percent of those who have infrequent success -- 49%
-- Percent who never succeed and fail on their resolution each year -- 24%
-- People who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions.
Rather revealing data, don't you think?
It’s well known that New Year’s resolutions don’t have a high success rate. While many people opt to ditch the annual goal-setting event, about 40 to 45 percent of adults set at least one resolution come New Year’s. Unfortunately for many, the results turn into a pattern: January 1, we start off determined to follow through on our goals. Excited and energized, we think that this year will be different from the last, when our resolutions went by the wayside. But come February or even mid-January, the majority of us have abandoned our goals altogether.
So why do we continue to make resolutions every year even though so few of us follow through? One reason is the allure of starting from scratch. I suspect that the beginning of the year offers a fresh start and a clean slate. The idea of bettering ourselves is another motivator. “Most of us have a natural bent toward self-improvement,” said John Duffy, Ph.D, clinical psychologist and author of The Available Parent: Radical Optimism in Raising Teens and Tweens. And even though the New Year is an arbitrary date, Duffy explained that it “gives us time and a goal date to prepare for the change, to fire up for the shifts we plan to make.”
Moreover, it may have something to do with “Tradition! Tradition! Tradition,” as the characters in the musical Fiddler On The Roof famously sing. Setting New Year’s resolutions is believed to go as far back as Babylonian times. It’s said that Julius Caesar started the tradition of making resolutions on January 1st as a way to honor the Roman mythical god Janus, whose two faces allowed him to look back into the past year and forward to the new year. Romans mostly made morality-based resolutions, such as seeking forgiveness from their enemies.
To my way of thinking, wanting to make resolutions is a good thing. The fact that people keep making resolutions even when they don’t always follow through ultimately means that they have hope and a certain level of belief in their ability to change and be more of who they really want to be.
Some research confirms that setting a resolution can get you closer to your goals. One study found that 46 percent of individuals who made resolutions were successful compared to four percent who wanted to achieve a certain goal and considered it but didn’t actually create a resolution.
So, statistics aside, go ahead and make some New Years resolutions in the next few days. Who knows, for once you may actually keep at least one of them if you are sufficiently motivated. If you don't, at least your intentions were good. Nothing ventured nothing gained!
And there's always another year.
29 December, 2017
19 December, 2017
Christmas According to Kids - Southland Christian Church
What happens when you ask a bunch of kids to tell the story of Christmas? Enjoy this story of "Bethle-ha-ha-ham" scripted entirely by the children and the magical star that appeared. As always, kids say the darndest things!
17 December, 2017
Mr. Cransdon was visibly irritated. Here it was, late Christmas Eve, and he was still frantically running around. He had just spent a frustrating morning looking desperately for last-minute gifts. Most of the afternoon he and his wife were hastily shopping for extra groceries for that large family gathering and dinner tomorrow. Now, when he should be home relaxing in the evening, Mr. Cransdon was out searching for a Christmas tree.
Katie saw her father’s annoyance and knew enough, even at age eight, to keep silent as he drove all over town through heavy holiday traffic. She did venture a whispered prayer that there might still be one tree left for sale. It was her plea for a real tree this year that sent her Dad on this 11th hour quest. Katie now felt a bit guilty for causing her father to be so frustrated. Yesterday, their old artificial one had finally fallen apart after many years of December display. “Let’s get a real one this year,” had become her hourly request until the parents reluctantly agreed.
Katie could already imagine a tall, stately spruce or pine evergreen standing proudly in its corner, strong branches festooned with sparkling icicles, winking lights, colourful glass balls and chocolate Santa Claus decorations.
The car stopped and Katie scraped away the window ice so she could peer outside. The Christmas tree lot was empty, just like all the previous other ones had been. The large wooden sign blowing in the wind still invited shoppers to select from the dozens of freshly-cut, tightly-wrapped choices. But there were no trees left to buy.
Mr. Cransdon muttered loudly and clambered out of the front seat, slamming the door behind him. Standing alone in the middle of the deserted field, he pulled his parka hood tighter against the driving snow. This was the perfect ending to a rotten day. How could he now face Katie with the bad news? Then he noticed a small trailer parked at the far end of the lot. A faint light glowed from its solitary window. Perhaps someone inside could somehow find him a tree.
Katie watched intently as her father trudged across the powdery snow and rapped on the trailer door. After a moment, she saw an old man emerge, hastily buttoning his jacket in the frigid cold. The two men talked briefly, then disappeared behind the trailer. When they reappeared, Mr. Cransdon was dragging a tree behind him. As her dad approached the car, Katie jumped out with excitement. ‘You did find us a real Christmas tree. Thank you, daddy.”
But Mr. Cransdon did not look any happier than before. Shaking the snow off his find, he held the evergreen up for her to see. “You don’t really call this a tree, do you?
He pointed to the twisted, misshapen trunk which gave the tiny spruce a badly crooked appearance. He sarcastically pulled at a withered frail branch, which instantly broke off at his touch. No wonder every other shopper had already rejected this worthless freak of nature. No wonder the salesman had offered to give it away at no cost. After all, what he couldn’t get rid of by December 25 would have to be hauled away at some expense to the town dump.
Katie then surprised her father. She insisted on taking this sorry specimen home. When he grumbled at her demand she only demanded all the louder. With a puzzled shrug of resignation, he roughly tossed the puny spruce into his trunk and quickly drove off.
Once at home, Katie set to work. Mrs. Cransdon stood transfixed at the living room entrance, amazed at her daughter’s determination to tackle this dubious reclamation project. And Katie worked as if inspired, decorating the little, unwanted tree----branch by branch, hour after hour. Just after midnight, Mr. Cransdon carried his exhausted and unprotesting child up the stairs to her bedroom. Christmas Day would come very early, as it always does in a home blessed with young children.
As the Cransdon family entered the living room, they were suddenly speechless, silent witnesses to the miracle which had unfolded overnight, the one they must have been too tired to notice before bed. The scrawny little tree suddenly looked magnificent. It glowed and sparkled and was so beautiful that no one any longer noticed those frail branches and twisted shape.
Katie was the first to recover. Approaching the tree, she gently touched her little spruce. “Look, Mom and Dad, all my tree needed was for someone to believe in it and to love it.” Her parents’ eyes moistened as they began to understand the real meaning of Christmas.
The Christmas story celebrates the birth of a baby. We tend to forget that the manger where He was born was soon empty. As the Bible describes, ”Jesus grew in wisdom and stature” and began His teaching ministry. He especially had compassion for those marginalized by society -- a tax collector, a Roman soldier, a woman caught in adultery, another divorced several times, a disabled beggar. Each responded to His non-judgmental care and compassion, and their lives were transformed. Jesus saw those whom he encountered, not only as they were, but as they could be...Just like Katie’s little spruce tree.
Katie saw her father’s annoyance and knew enough, even at age eight, to keep silent as he drove all over town through heavy holiday traffic. She did venture a whispered prayer that there might still be one tree left for sale. It was her plea for a real tree this year that sent her Dad on this 11th hour quest. Katie now felt a bit guilty for causing her father to be so frustrated. Yesterday, their old artificial one had finally fallen apart after many years of December display. “Let’s get a real one this year,” had become her hourly request until the parents reluctantly agreed.
Katie could already imagine a tall, stately spruce or pine evergreen standing proudly in its corner, strong branches festooned with sparkling icicles, winking lights, colourful glass balls and chocolate Santa Claus decorations.
The car stopped and Katie scraped away the window ice so she could peer outside. The Christmas tree lot was empty, just like all the previous other ones had been. The large wooden sign blowing in the wind still invited shoppers to select from the dozens of freshly-cut, tightly-wrapped choices. But there were no trees left to buy.
Mr. Cransdon muttered loudly and clambered out of the front seat, slamming the door behind him. Standing alone in the middle of the deserted field, he pulled his parka hood tighter against the driving snow. This was the perfect ending to a rotten day. How could he now face Katie with the bad news? Then he noticed a small trailer parked at the far end of the lot. A faint light glowed from its solitary window. Perhaps someone inside could somehow find him a tree.
Katie watched intently as her father trudged across the powdery snow and rapped on the trailer door. After a moment, she saw an old man emerge, hastily buttoning his jacket in the frigid cold. The two men talked briefly, then disappeared behind the trailer. When they reappeared, Mr. Cransdon was dragging a tree behind him. As her dad approached the car, Katie jumped out with excitement. ‘You did find us a real Christmas tree. Thank you, daddy.”
But Mr. Cransdon did not look any happier than before. Shaking the snow off his find, he held the evergreen up for her to see. “You don’t really call this a tree, do you?
He pointed to the twisted, misshapen trunk which gave the tiny spruce a badly crooked appearance. He sarcastically pulled at a withered frail branch, which instantly broke off at his touch. No wonder every other shopper had already rejected this worthless freak of nature. No wonder the salesman had offered to give it away at no cost. After all, what he couldn’t get rid of by December 25 would have to be hauled away at some expense to the town dump.
Katie then surprised her father. She insisted on taking this sorry specimen home. When he grumbled at her demand she only demanded all the louder. With a puzzled shrug of resignation, he roughly tossed the puny spruce into his trunk and quickly drove off.
Once at home, Katie set to work. Mrs. Cransdon stood transfixed at the living room entrance, amazed at her daughter’s determination to tackle this dubious reclamation project. And Katie worked as if inspired, decorating the little, unwanted tree----branch by branch, hour after hour. Just after midnight, Mr. Cransdon carried his exhausted and unprotesting child up the stairs to her bedroom. Christmas Day would come very early, as it always does in a home blessed with young children.
As the Cransdon family entered the living room, they were suddenly speechless, silent witnesses to the miracle which had unfolded overnight, the one they must have been too tired to notice before bed. The scrawny little tree suddenly looked magnificent. It glowed and sparkled and was so beautiful that no one any longer noticed those frail branches and twisted shape.
Katie was the first to recover. Approaching the tree, she gently touched her little spruce. “Look, Mom and Dad, all my tree needed was for someone to believe in it and to love it.” Her parents’ eyes moistened as they began to understand the real meaning of Christmas.
The Christmas story celebrates the birth of a baby. We tend to forget that the manger where He was born was soon empty. As the Bible describes, ”Jesus grew in wisdom and stature” and began His teaching ministry. He especially had compassion for those marginalized by society -- a tax collector, a Roman soldier, a woman caught in adultery, another divorced several times, a disabled beggar. Each responded to His non-judgmental care and compassion, and their lives were transformed. Jesus saw those whom he encountered, not only as they were, but as they could be...Just like Katie’s little spruce tree.
Christmas Blessings!
11 December, 2017
I am fascinated by Tyler Henry, a 20-year-old clairvoyant and star of a hit reality TV series Hollywood Medium. He was born with a unique gift that enables him to help countless people acquire closure, comfort and proof that consciousness transcends physical death. As an evidential based medium, his ability to provide detail-oriented specifics has quickly captured the attention of millions, even turning the most ardent skeptics into believers.
Tyler is articulate and knowledgeable beyond his years. He said something, almost spontaneously, in one of his televised medium sessions with a Hollywood actress that has haunted me for some time..."In the end you cannot take religion, dogma or doctines with you when you die. Love is the only thing that really matters and that is what you take with you when you pass over into the afterlife."
You know, as I think about it, what we have in common with all religions and empiricism today is that the afterlife does exist. But not one religion tells us what actually happens when we physically die -- empirical studies (based on actual and objective observation or experimentation) actually do, but that's another story. In the West the Christian view of the afterlife dominated for nearly two thousand years. The Church teaches that the afterlife exists and that your conduct on earth will determine what kind of existence you will experience once you cross over; you will go to 'heaven' if you 'behaved well' or to hell if you consistently misbehaved. Catholics add purgatory -- a stage of continuous purification before one gets to 'heaven.'
Highly credible transmitted information tells us that 'service' -- unselfishly helping others who are in genuine need -- is the most powerful, guaranteed way of raising your vibrations and, hence, your spirituality. Note very carefully: you do NOT have to be religious at all to raise your vibrations, i.e. to become more spiritual. As a matter of fact there are those who are atheists, agnostics and certainly non-religious who by conduct and example are very 'spiritual.' So that although religious people, God bless them, may be spiritual, some 'religious' people may NOT be so spiritual. Being religious does not automatically mean being spiritual. Religious beliefs are irrelevant to having higher vibrations. It is not what we believe but what we DO, or how we LOVE on this planet earth that will definitively determine what is going to happen to us when we inevitably cross over.
From my perspective, only our own limitations, our own prejudices, our own encumbrances will restrict the otherwise smooth transition. For these reasons at the time of crossing over we would do well to have an open mind and NOT have thoughts rigidly set on some expectations taught by uninformed dogmatists on earth.
Love we are told is 'the most powerful force in the universe.' Just because we cross over does not mean love is lost or is terminated. Love survives physical death and true love will mean you will never be separated from your loved ones. True unconditional love will usually mean unconditional forgiveness. It follows then that this will lead to a higher level of vibrations, of spirituality and will be instrumental in graduating to higher afterlife realms where conditions are too beautiful for us on earth to imagine -- certainly something to look forward to! It's that heavenly reward we hear and read so much about.
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Tyler Henry |
Tyler is articulate and knowledgeable beyond his years. He said something, almost spontaneously, in one of his televised medium sessions with a Hollywood actress that has haunted me for some time..."In the end you cannot take religion, dogma or doctines with you when you die. Love is the only thing that really matters and that is what you take with you when you pass over into the afterlife."
You know, as I think about it, what we have in common with all religions and empiricism today is that the afterlife does exist. But not one religion tells us what actually happens when we physically die -- empirical studies (based on actual and objective observation or experimentation) actually do, but that's another story. In the West the Christian view of the afterlife dominated for nearly two thousand years. The Church teaches that the afterlife exists and that your conduct on earth will determine what kind of existence you will experience once you cross over; you will go to 'heaven' if you 'behaved well' or to hell if you consistently misbehaved. Catholics add purgatory -- a stage of continuous purification before one gets to 'heaven.'
Highly credible transmitted information tells us that 'service' -- unselfishly helping others who are in genuine need -- is the most powerful, guaranteed way of raising your vibrations and, hence, your spirituality. Note very carefully: you do NOT have to be religious at all to raise your vibrations, i.e. to become more spiritual. As a matter of fact there are those who are atheists, agnostics and certainly non-religious who by conduct and example are very 'spiritual.' So that although religious people, God bless them, may be spiritual, some 'religious' people may NOT be so spiritual. Being religious does not automatically mean being spiritual. Religious beliefs are irrelevant to having higher vibrations. It is not what we believe but what we DO, or how we LOVE on this planet earth that will definitively determine what is going to happen to us when we inevitably cross over.
From my perspective, only our own limitations, our own prejudices, our own encumbrances will restrict the otherwise smooth transition. For these reasons at the time of crossing over we would do well to have an open mind and NOT have thoughts rigidly set on some expectations taught by uninformed dogmatists on earth.
Love we are told is 'the most powerful force in the universe.' Just because we cross over does not mean love is lost or is terminated. Love survives physical death and true love will mean you will never be separated from your loved ones. True unconditional love will usually mean unconditional forgiveness. It follows then that this will lead to a higher level of vibrations, of spirituality and will be instrumental in graduating to higher afterlife realms where conditions are too beautiful for us on earth to imagine -- certainly something to look forward to! It's that heavenly reward we hear and read so much about.
I am still mystified, however, that a young man just out of his teens should understand all of this, especially when most young bucks his age are still occupied with cars, electronics and girls. Communicating with the dead aside, from whence comes Tyler Henry's wisdom?
05 December, 2017
Because of my interest as a journalist and occasional commentator on news of the day, I am included in a number of mailing lists from both sides of the Canada/US boarder and political spectrum. Generally the messages are of a partisan nature, taking sides on a particular issue, typically spouting party lines -- and soliciting financial support. More often than not I take such releases with a grain of salt.
This morning, however, I received an impressive email message from veteran U.S. politician and former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Newt Gingrich who needs no further introduction here. The contents were so poignant, topical and applicable to the political climate in North America that I deemed it worthy of Wrights Lane edification.
Here is what Newt had to say:
"In America, we've always had ideological clashes and honest policy debates between opposing parties. I've been engaged in them for most of my adult life.
"But there is a deeper, institutional assault underway by the extreme Left aimed at erasing our past and destroying our principles that is very different. It's a war on our culture, on faith, on the melting pot, on the Second Amendment, on free speech -- on the basic idea of America.
"I'm glad that the American Legacy Center* has decided to focus on this issue in a big way; or in its words, to 'put patriotism back on offense.' I'm glad because if we are to remain a country of citizens rather than subjects, this is necessary and vital...
"As Americans, we are not defined by our race, our religion, our class, or our place of birth. We are defined by a belief in a simple creed, which states that we are all created equal, and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.
"This creed must be taught to every generation using every possible medium. Unfortunately, too many of our schools are failing to do this, so we as citizens must pick up the slack.
"We need to explain why identity politics will only serve to poison the traditional vision of a melting pot; why religious faith is essential to liberty; why the Second Amendment is about protecting individual liberty, not hunting; and why the thought police are a threat to free speech and expression. These are fundamental principles on which we cannot compromise."
NOTE: Gingrich's controversial personal and political life aside, I do not think that there is even one American or Canadian citizen (Left or Right) who could not honestly agree with the context and premise of his message on this occasion. Crassly outspoken and gruff in the past, he seems to have softened his demeanor and patronage with age.
Further note of interest: *As a nonprofit, The American Legacy Centre does not endorse or contribute to political candidates. While the Centre regularly weighs in on the positions and records of certain candidates and elected officials, resources do not directly support anyone’s election or defeat.
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Newton Gingrich |
This morning, however, I received an impressive email message from veteran U.S. politician and former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Newt Gingrich who needs no further introduction here. The contents were so poignant, topical and applicable to the political climate in North America that I deemed it worthy of Wrights Lane edification.
Here is what Newt had to say:
"In America, we've always had ideological clashes and honest policy debates between opposing parties. I've been engaged in them for most of my adult life.
"But there is a deeper, institutional assault underway by the extreme Left aimed at erasing our past and destroying our principles that is very different. It's a war on our culture, on faith, on the melting pot, on the Second Amendment, on free speech -- on the basic idea of America.
"I'm glad that the American Legacy Center* has decided to focus on this issue in a big way; or in its words, to 'put patriotism back on offense.' I'm glad because if we are to remain a country of citizens rather than subjects, this is necessary and vital...
"As Americans, we are not defined by our race, our religion, our class, or our place of birth. We are defined by a belief in a simple creed, which states that we are all created equal, and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.
"This creed must be taught to every generation using every possible medium. Unfortunately, too many of our schools are failing to do this, so we as citizens must pick up the slack.
"We need to explain why identity politics will only serve to poison the traditional vision of a melting pot; why religious faith is essential to liberty; why the Second Amendment is about protecting individual liberty, not hunting; and why the thought police are a threat to free speech and expression. These are fundamental principles on which we cannot compromise."
NOTE: Gingrich's controversial personal and political life aside, I do not think that there is even one American or Canadian citizen (Left or Right) who could not honestly agree with the context and premise of his message on this occasion. Crassly outspoken and gruff in the past, he seems to have softened his demeanor and patronage with age.
Further note of interest: *As a nonprofit, The American Legacy Centre does not endorse or contribute to political candidates. While the Centre regularly weighs in on the positions and records of certain candidates and elected officials, resources do not directly support anyone’s election or defeat.
04 December, 2017
Let's begin the following discourse with a general acceptance of the well-worn cliche "everyone is beautiful in their own way." But, I can't help but think that an honest addendum "...and a little bit funny too", is well in order.
I'll be the first to admit that I am a little bit funny, some may even suggest that "weird" is a better word for it. Always have been, always will be! While open to interpretation, I wear the mantel proudly!
Now, with that admission from me, come on reader(s)...own up! Who have you been trying to kid all these years? You're a little bit funny too...Everybody is! It's just that we go through life working very hard at covering up our funniness, or weirdness (your choice). We excel at putting up good fronts, all aimed at acceptance.
While unquestionably impressive, outward appearances of intelligence, strength, wealth, goodness and poise are always somewhat misleading. No one is completely ideal or perfect. Behind every facade are weird traits, thoughts, fantasies, doubts, likes, dislikes, persuasions and insecurities; and that's okay because we're all the same...In the end it's the great equalizer.
Just turn the clock back for a moment. The hard part about high school was navigating the rules and expectations of an opinionated teenage micro society, and doing anything possible, including great leaps of effort and imagination, to not under any circumstances do or say anything that would constitute the unshakable label of being weird. Being stigmatized as weird in high school is a death sentence (or at least solitary confinement). So we did our best to look like everyone else, and everyone else did their best to look like us. We were all hiding, with each other and from each other.
The teenage years are sensitive years and high school insecurity is totally understandable. As kids we were still growing into ourselves and trying to map out our place on the spectrum of social relationships. Mistakes were inevitable, but better made in private, far away from the spotlight of the hallways, lunchroom, or — God forbid — school dances. High schoolers are allowed to be nervous wrecks, afraid that their own shadow will make fun of them if they trip and fall. But it should end there, right?
After high school, when we grow into well-adjusted adults, shouldn’t the crippling need for peer approval go away? No way Jose!...The social pressure to conform to the expectations of others remains as strong as ever. Everyone, it seems, both young and old, is still afraid of looking weird. This broad insecurity misses a basic point. It’s okay to be weird. Weirdness usually is, in fact, potential strength waiting to be harnessed. What's left over is, well -- just being human.
Throughout history, the best and brightest among us, the great creators and innovators, have been those willing to stand out and risk being perceived as weird. When I allow you to be you, and you allow me to be me, without judgment or criticism of each other, we are free to harness and grow the strength of our respective differences. Everybody is weird and therefore nobody is.
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” — Oscar Wilde
I found the following from the Huffington Post to be particularly revealing and substantiating.
1) There is no such thing as normal.
Personality exists on a spectrum. There is no right or wrong place on the spectrum. The idea of being objectively normal was created to sell products and political agendas. What is normal for me may not be normal for you. When we chase the normal we lose sight of the natural. Natural is the new normal.
2) What you think is weird is really your super power.
We all have traits — physical, intellectual, emotional, etc. — that make us different. The Ego says that differences are flaws that should be hidden. The truth is that what makes you different is your superpower. You just haven’t learned how to harness the power yet. Instead of hiding your weirdness, learn how to use it. Your shyness, for example, might make you a better listener. Your awkward laugh might make you endearing. Our quirks, when we master them, contain great power.
3) What makes you weird makes you memorable.
When you try to fit into somebody else’s mold the results will be mediocre. Nobody pays money to see the expected; they pay money to see the captivating. Your true self, by its very nature, is captivating. People won’t remember the thing you did that everybody can do, but they will remember the thing you did that only you can do.
4) The world needs more authenticity.
In a world where conformity is the easiest option, authenticity is in high demand. Deep down everyone wants to be more real, but we are all afraid to be the first one. When you start living as your true self, weirdness and all, you give permission to those around you to do the same. We might not say it out loud, but everyone wants to see your honest self. We are starving for realness.
5) All great art was made by weird people.
Every great creative breakthrough — artistic, musical, scientific, etc. — by definition is weird because it introduces a solution beyond the existing paradigm. and requires a new way of thinking. Embracing your weirdness gives you a new perspective, and the world needs a new perspective. Innovation does not happen within the status quo. Innovation happens when outsiders challenge the status quo with weird ideas.
6) Resisting your weirdness makes you dark.
Everyone has unique characteristics. Allowing ourselves to express these unique characteristics makes us feel good. But hiding our unique characteristics, and resisting our natural self, makes us feel less good, and makes our personalities darker. Just like a black hole results from the absence of a star, so also the resistance to our unique qualities, however weird, results in a dark and inverted projection of self.
7) Standing out is how you find your tribe.
Many people who conform do so for fear of being lonely. But standing out will not make you lonely — far from it. By living honestly you will discover others who align with your weirdness. This is your tribe. When you stand up and live according to your purpose, you will find those who have stood up before you, and you will serve as inspiration for those who will stand up next.
8) Everything original seems weird at first.
New ideas, like biological mutations, on first impression appear to not fit in. But, as time passes, biological mutations, just like new ideas, find a purpose that was not expected. Eventually the mutation is replicated and contributes to the evolution of the species. Ideas are the evolution that pushes society forward. What is weird might not be understood today, but by tomorrow it could be the new norm.
9) When you own who you are the world will conform.
When you see yourself as capable, others will also see you as capable. When you see yourself as incapable, others will also see you as incapable. There is power in self-perception. When you stop fitting in and start standing out, it can be uncomfortable, at first. But when you take ownership of your actions, and ignore the fear of criticism, the world will, to the degree of your conviction, adapt to your perception of yourself.
So don't be so smug dear reader...You're kind of weird in your own way too. Welcome to the club!
I'll be the first to admit that I am a little bit funny, some may even suggest that "weird" is a better word for it. Always have been, always will be! While open to interpretation, I wear the mantel proudly!
Now, with that admission from me, come on reader(s)...own up! Who have you been trying to kid all these years? You're a little bit funny too...Everybody is! It's just that we go through life working very hard at covering up our funniness, or weirdness (your choice). We excel at putting up good fronts, all aimed at acceptance.
While unquestionably impressive, outward appearances of intelligence, strength, wealth, goodness and poise are always somewhat misleading. No one is completely ideal or perfect. Behind every facade are weird traits, thoughts, fantasies, doubts, likes, dislikes, persuasions and insecurities; and that's okay because we're all the same...In the end it's the great equalizer.
Just turn the clock back for a moment. The hard part about high school was navigating the rules and expectations of an opinionated teenage micro society, and doing anything possible, including great leaps of effort and imagination, to not under any circumstances do or say anything that would constitute the unshakable label of being weird. Being stigmatized as weird in high school is a death sentence (or at least solitary confinement). So we did our best to look like everyone else, and everyone else did their best to look like us. We were all hiding, with each other and from each other.
The teenage years are sensitive years and high school insecurity is totally understandable. As kids we were still growing into ourselves and trying to map out our place on the spectrum of social relationships. Mistakes were inevitable, but better made in private, far away from the spotlight of the hallways, lunchroom, or — God forbid — school dances. High schoolers are allowed to be nervous wrecks, afraid that their own shadow will make fun of them if they trip and fall. But it should end there, right?
After high school, when we grow into well-adjusted adults, shouldn’t the crippling need for peer approval go away? No way Jose!...The social pressure to conform to the expectations of others remains as strong as ever. Everyone, it seems, both young and old, is still afraid of looking weird. This broad insecurity misses a basic point. It’s okay to be weird. Weirdness usually is, in fact, potential strength waiting to be harnessed. What's left over is, well -- just being human.
Throughout history, the best and brightest among us, the great creators and innovators, have been those willing to stand out and risk being perceived as weird. When I allow you to be you, and you allow me to be me, without judgment or criticism of each other, we are free to harness and grow the strength of our respective differences. Everybody is weird and therefore nobody is.
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” — Oscar Wilde
I found the following from the Huffington Post to be particularly revealing and substantiating.
1) There is no such thing as normal.
Personality exists on a spectrum. There is no right or wrong place on the spectrum. The idea of being objectively normal was created to sell products and political agendas. What is normal for me may not be normal for you. When we chase the normal we lose sight of the natural. Natural is the new normal.
2) What you think is weird is really your super power.
We all have traits — physical, intellectual, emotional, etc. — that make us different. The Ego says that differences are flaws that should be hidden. The truth is that what makes you different is your superpower. You just haven’t learned how to harness the power yet. Instead of hiding your weirdness, learn how to use it. Your shyness, for example, might make you a better listener. Your awkward laugh might make you endearing. Our quirks, when we master them, contain great power.
3) What makes you weird makes you memorable.
When you try to fit into somebody else’s mold the results will be mediocre. Nobody pays money to see the expected; they pay money to see the captivating. Your true self, by its very nature, is captivating. People won’t remember the thing you did that everybody can do, but they will remember the thing you did that only you can do.
4) The world needs more authenticity.
In a world where conformity is the easiest option, authenticity is in high demand. Deep down everyone wants to be more real, but we are all afraid to be the first one. When you start living as your true self, weirdness and all, you give permission to those around you to do the same. We might not say it out loud, but everyone wants to see your honest self. We are starving for realness.
5) All great art was made by weird people.
Every great creative breakthrough — artistic, musical, scientific, etc. — by definition is weird because it introduces a solution beyond the existing paradigm. and requires a new way of thinking. Embracing your weirdness gives you a new perspective, and the world needs a new perspective. Innovation does not happen within the status quo. Innovation happens when outsiders challenge the status quo with weird ideas.
6) Resisting your weirdness makes you dark.
Everyone has unique characteristics. Allowing ourselves to express these unique characteristics makes us feel good. But hiding our unique characteristics, and resisting our natural self, makes us feel less good, and makes our personalities darker. Just like a black hole results from the absence of a star, so also the resistance to our unique qualities, however weird, results in a dark and inverted projection of self.
7) Standing out is how you find your tribe.
Many people who conform do so for fear of being lonely. But standing out will not make you lonely — far from it. By living honestly you will discover others who align with your weirdness. This is your tribe. When you stand up and live according to your purpose, you will find those who have stood up before you, and you will serve as inspiration for those who will stand up next.
8) Everything original seems weird at first.
New ideas, like biological mutations, on first impression appear to not fit in. But, as time passes, biological mutations, just like new ideas, find a purpose that was not expected. Eventually the mutation is replicated and contributes to the evolution of the species. Ideas are the evolution that pushes society forward. What is weird might not be understood today, but by tomorrow it could be the new norm.
9) When you own who you are the world will conform.
When you see yourself as capable, others will also see you as capable. When you see yourself as incapable, others will also see you as incapable. There is power in self-perception. When you stop fitting in and start standing out, it can be uncomfortable, at first. But when you take ownership of your actions, and ignore the fear of criticism, the world will, to the degree of your conviction, adapt to your perception of yourself.
So don't be so smug dear reader...You're kind of weird in your own way too. Welcome to the club!
03 December, 2017
“Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to seek those answers that continues to give meaning to life. You can spend your life wallowing in despair, wondering why you were the one who was led towards the road strewn with pain, or you can be grateful that you are strong enough to survive it.”
― J.D. Stroube, Caged by Damnation

“There are some questions that shouldn't be asked until a person is mature enough to appreciate the answers.”
― Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood

“Indeed, the only truly serious questions are ones that even a child can formulate. Only the most naive of questions are truly serious. They are the questions with no answers. A question with no answer is a barrier that cannot be breached. In other words, it is questions with no answers that set the limit of human possibilities, describe the boundaries of human existence.”
― Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

“We have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers.”
― Kurt Cobain

“I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.”
― Richard Feynman

“Never give up on someone. Sometimes the answers you are looking for are the same answers another person is looking for. Two people searching together are always better than one person alone.”
― Shannon L. Alder
I was thinking this morning, with a degree of defeatism, about a number of questions that came to mind and for which I quite honestly had no ready answers in what appears to me to be unprecedented and unsettled times-- religion, politics, environmental and after-life to name only a few. My initial impulse was to think: "Why waste time seeking elusive answers to any of life's questions?"
The questioning nature of human beings seems to have a huge cost. As we grow older, I think that it is only natural that we begin to question the price we pay for our inquisitiveness.
If I ask myself what makes us human, one answer jumps out at me straight away – it is not the only answer but it is the one suggested by the question. What makes us human is that we ask questions. All animals have interests, instincts and conceptions. All animals frame for themselves an idea of the world in which they live. But we alone question our surroundings. We alone refuse to be defined by the world in which we live but instead try to define our nature for ourselves.
The intellectual history of our species is to a great extent defined by this attempt. Are we animals like the others? Do we have souls as well as bodies? Are we related, in the order of things, to angels, to demons and to gods? All science, all art, all religion and all philosophy worth the name begins in a question. And it is because we have questions that human life is so deeply satisfying and so deeply troubling, too.
Not all questions have an answer. In mathematics and science we solve our problems as well as create them. But in art and philosophy things are not so simple. Hamlet’s great soliloquy starts with the line: “To be or not to be: that is the question.” The play revolves around that question. Would it be better not to exist? Is there anything in human life that makes it worthwhile? When, confronted by the extent of human treachery and scheming, we fall into complete contempt towards our species, is there some trick of thought, some perception, some argument or some appeal to higher authority that will restore the will to live?
When I look at the great artists of the past, I am often struck by the extent to which their work has evolved in response to a question. Milton asked himself how the flawed world in which he lived could be the work of a supremely good God and his answer was Paradise Lost. Bach asked himself how variants and permutations flow from the basic moves in music and his answer was The Art of Fugue. Rembrandt asked himself how the soul is revealed in the flesh and what the lights and textures of our bodies mean, and his answer was his extraordinary series of self-portraits. In art it is always as though the question is what the work of art is really about.
Milton’s poem implants the question of man’s relation to God in the centre of our consciousness. It does not answer the question but instead creates wonder and awe in response to it. Wonder and awe are the diet of the artist and without them the world would be far less meaningful to us than it is.
The same is true of philosophy. Although there are philosophers who give answers, it is usually their questions and not their answers that have survived. Plato asked how it is that we can think about the property of redness and not just about red things. How can finite human minds gain access to universal realities? Plato’s question is still with us, even though few people today would accept his answer to it. Aristotle asked how it is that there can be time and change in an ordered universe. Is there a prime mover who sets it all in motion? Few would accept Aristotle’s answer to this question: but the question remains. How can there be time, change, process and becoming, in a world that could as easily have been permanently at rest? Kant asked how it is that human beings, who are part of the natural order, can freely decide to do this rather than that, can take responsibility for their decisions and hold each other to account for the consequences of their actions.
Kant was honest in acknowledging that the question lies beyond our capacity to answer it; but until we have asked it, he implied, we have no real understanding of our condition.
In the monasteries, libraries and courts of medieval Europe the big questions were constantly debated. People would be burned at the stake for their questions, and others would cross land and sea to punish people for their answers. In the Renaissance and again at the Enlightenment the big questions were asked and answered, and again death and destruction were the result, as in the religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries and the French Revolution. Communism and fascism both began in philosophy, both promised answers to the ultimate questions and both led to mass murder.
Certainly if we look around ourselves today, we see a mass of ready-made answers and very few attempts to define the questions that would justify them. Should we then give up on the habit of asking questions? Perhaps not! To cease to ask questions would be to cease to be fully human.
God bless those who find a definitive answer to any question, even if it is only in their own mind!
― J.D. Stroube, Caged by Damnation

“There are some questions that shouldn't be asked until a person is mature enough to appreciate the answers.”
― Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood

“Indeed, the only truly serious questions are ones that even a child can formulate. Only the most naive of questions are truly serious. They are the questions with no answers. A question with no answer is a barrier that cannot be breached. In other words, it is questions with no answers that set the limit of human possibilities, describe the boundaries of human existence.”
― Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

“We have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers.”
― Kurt Cobain

“I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.”
― Richard Feynman

“Never give up on someone. Sometimes the answers you are looking for are the same answers another person is looking for. Two people searching together are always better than one person alone.”
― Shannon L. Alder
I was thinking this morning, with a degree of defeatism, about a number of questions that came to mind and for which I quite honestly had no ready answers in what appears to me to be unprecedented and unsettled times-- religion, politics, environmental and after-life to name only a few. My initial impulse was to think: "Why waste time seeking elusive answers to any of life's questions?"
The questioning nature of human beings seems to have a huge cost. As we grow older, I think that it is only natural that we begin to question the price we pay for our inquisitiveness.
If I ask myself what makes us human, one answer jumps out at me straight away – it is not the only answer but it is the one suggested by the question. What makes us human is that we ask questions. All animals have interests, instincts and conceptions. All animals frame for themselves an idea of the world in which they live. But we alone question our surroundings. We alone refuse to be defined by the world in which we live but instead try to define our nature for ourselves.
The intellectual history of our species is to a great extent defined by this attempt. Are we animals like the others? Do we have souls as well as bodies? Are we related, in the order of things, to angels, to demons and to gods? All science, all art, all religion and all philosophy worth the name begins in a question. And it is because we have questions that human life is so deeply satisfying and so deeply troubling, too.
Not all questions have an answer. In mathematics and science we solve our problems as well as create them. But in art and philosophy things are not so simple. Hamlet’s great soliloquy starts with the line: “To be or not to be: that is the question.” The play revolves around that question. Would it be better not to exist? Is there anything in human life that makes it worthwhile? When, confronted by the extent of human treachery and scheming, we fall into complete contempt towards our species, is there some trick of thought, some perception, some argument or some appeal to higher authority that will restore the will to live?
When I look at the great artists of the past, I am often struck by the extent to which their work has evolved in response to a question. Milton asked himself how the flawed world in which he lived could be the work of a supremely good God and his answer was Paradise Lost. Bach asked himself how variants and permutations flow from the basic moves in music and his answer was The Art of Fugue. Rembrandt asked himself how the soul is revealed in the flesh and what the lights and textures of our bodies mean, and his answer was his extraordinary series of self-portraits. In art it is always as though the question is what the work of art is really about.
Milton’s poem implants the question of man’s relation to God in the centre of our consciousness. It does not answer the question but instead creates wonder and awe in response to it. Wonder and awe are the diet of the artist and without them the world would be far less meaningful to us than it is.
The same is true of philosophy. Although there are philosophers who give answers, it is usually their questions and not their answers that have survived. Plato asked how it is that we can think about the property of redness and not just about red things. How can finite human minds gain access to universal realities? Plato’s question is still with us, even though few people today would accept his answer to it. Aristotle asked how it is that there can be time and change in an ordered universe. Is there a prime mover who sets it all in motion? Few would accept Aristotle’s answer to this question: but the question remains. How can there be time, change, process and becoming, in a world that could as easily have been permanently at rest? Kant asked how it is that human beings, who are part of the natural order, can freely decide to do this rather than that, can take responsibility for their decisions and hold each other to account for the consequences of their actions.
Kant was honest in acknowledging that the question lies beyond our capacity to answer it; but until we have asked it, he implied, we have no real understanding of our condition.
In the monasteries, libraries and courts of medieval Europe the big questions were constantly debated. People would be burned at the stake for their questions, and others would cross land and sea to punish people for their answers. In the Renaissance and again at the Enlightenment the big questions were asked and answered, and again death and destruction were the result, as in the religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries and the French Revolution. Communism and fascism both began in philosophy, both promised answers to the ultimate questions and both led to mass murder.
Certainly if we look around ourselves today, we see a mass of ready-made answers and very few attempts to define the questions that would justify them. Should we then give up on the habit of asking questions? Perhaps not! To cease to ask questions would be to cease to be fully human.
God bless those who find a definitive answer to any question, even if it is only in their own mind!
30 November, 2017
As a world peace worker, holistic physician, and highly trained spiritual teacher, Dr. Gabriel Cousens weaves a comprehensive, unique background into his holistic healing and writing approach to support and inspire people into the sacred joy of being free and fully alive.
Dr. Cousens contends that we relate to our worlds through attention and intention. Attention is how we relate to our respective circumstances. Attention also means being part of the cycle of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and, in part, it relates to your own mind. His thoughts warrant a closer look here.
Dr. Cousens contends that we relate to our worlds through attention and intention. Attention is how we relate to our respective circumstances. Attention also means being part of the cycle of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and, in part, it relates to your own mind. His thoughts warrant a closer look here.
Unfortunately, today, many people are not particularly paying proper attention to their lives, to their life cycles, to their meaning, how they eat, think, and live, and the result of this lack of attention is chaos. "This happens if we don’t pay attention to what we’re letting into our minds, and to how we are living, and to creating holiness in each action, if we aren’t living in a way that tunes us in." Cousens states.
His "Six Foundations" helps people to tune in to the Divine, which means increased sensitivity to all of creation. This includes: 1) spiritual nutrition and fasting; 2) building life force, chi, or prana; and 3) service and charity, where we are opening our heart to the world around us. (This contrasts the closing of hearts that we also see happening in the world.) 4) Are we meditating? Are we praying? 5) Are we working with spiritual teachers that support our unfoldment? 6) Are we putting ourselves in situations where we are with people of increased spiritual intensity?
I have never been involved in the practice of yoga, but I buy in to the suggestion that if we’re not paying attention, none of those things particularly matter, and we move more and more into the chaos and more and more into being slaves to our social imprints rather than masters of our situations. First, comes attention...Where are we in our lives? What is life about?
Intention is organizing ourselves in alignment with the Divine to fulfill our life purpose. We each have a different life purpose. In yoga, it is called "dharma". Are we creating an intention to move into dharma and to become masters of our life situations – masters of our lives? That intention focuses the energy. Many athletes know about this and do visualizations of themselves winning the gold medal, etc. This is not so esoteric. It is the way to optimize mastery. It is paying attention to how you are living and what you are letting into your consciousness, and the quality of your life. Are you living in alignment with the greater picture of life, of the greater picture of the society, and of the planet?
The intention is the internal, spiritual will power that focuses our energy so that we can build our destinies. Everyone has a destiny and there is a spiral of time. Are we fulfilling it at the highest level of that spiral or at the lowest level? Everyone has a soul. Everyone has a spark of God. Are we intending in our life to turn that spark into a flame of awareness, or is this something we are unconscious of?
Personally, I am conscious of that spark within me -- I just have to finally find a way to let it shine more brightly in what little time I have left. That is the elusive fulfilment alluded to in previous "Wrights Lane" posts of late. I'm keeping my options open...I may not be done yet!
Attention and intention are key ways of interfacing with our own life so that can optimize the full meaning of our life. May everyone be blessed that we are able to pay attention, and, with that attention, act with intention to reach the highest octave. --Amen.
His "Six Foundations" helps people to tune in to the Divine, which means increased sensitivity to all of creation. This includes: 1) spiritual nutrition and fasting; 2) building life force, chi, or prana; and 3) service and charity, where we are opening our heart to the world around us. (This contrasts the closing of hearts that we also see happening in the world.) 4) Are we meditating? Are we praying? 5) Are we working with spiritual teachers that support our unfoldment? 6) Are we putting ourselves in situations where we are with people of increased spiritual intensity?
I have never been involved in the practice of yoga, but I buy in to the suggestion that if we’re not paying attention, none of those things particularly matter, and we move more and more into the chaos and more and more into being slaves to our social imprints rather than masters of our situations. First, comes attention...Where are we in our lives? What is life about?
Intention is organizing ourselves in alignment with the Divine to fulfill our life purpose. We each have a different life purpose. In yoga, it is called "dharma". Are we creating an intention to move into dharma and to become masters of our life situations – masters of our lives? That intention focuses the energy. Many athletes know about this and do visualizations of themselves winning the gold medal, etc. This is not so esoteric. It is the way to optimize mastery. It is paying attention to how you are living and what you are letting into your consciousness, and the quality of your life. Are you living in alignment with the greater picture of life, of the greater picture of the society, and of the planet?
The intention is the internal, spiritual will power that focuses our energy so that we can build our destinies. Everyone has a destiny and there is a spiral of time. Are we fulfilling it at the highest level of that spiral or at the lowest level? Everyone has a soul. Everyone has a spark of God. Are we intending in our life to turn that spark into a flame of awareness, or is this something we are unconscious of?
Personally, I am conscious of that spark within me -- I just have to finally find a way to let it shine more brightly in what little time I have left. That is the elusive fulfilment alluded to in previous "Wrights Lane" posts of late. I'm keeping my options open...I may not be done yet!
Attention and intention are key ways of interfacing with our own life so that can optimize the full meaning of our life. May everyone be blessed that we are able to pay attention, and, with that attention, act with intention to reach the highest octave. --Amen.
26 November, 2017
"Feelings are sometimes difficult to discover--and often even more difficult to acknowledge. Yet hidden in our deepest feelings is our highest truth."
As a young lad of limited means and struggling to find his way in the world, it did not take long for me to realize that I was slightly below average in all the ways that really mattered. Before my 21st birthday I had already swallowed the bitter pill of disappointment as a professional athlete and my first foray into the business world of retail sales was less than stellar. Still to be explored and developed was a sense of inquisitiveness and a creative nature that I really did not understand, let alone appreciate.
Shy and inhibited, I suppressed personal opinions and outward displays of ambition because I felt everyone else was smarter and more experienced than me. I held back...Deep emotions of seething volcano proportions percolated just under the surface. I tended to float through those unfulfilled early years of discovery, probably my own worst enemy.
It was with this less-than-desirable cloud hovering over me that I found myself fatefully and almost miraculously being hired as an untrained $45-a-week newspaper cub reporter while still a virtual newlywed with growing responsibilities and associated life distractions. Unrealized at the time, I was given an opportunity to step outside of myself in ways that I never knew possible. I cut my teeth as a general assignment reporter covering the local police and court beats. The go-to-guy for obituaries and at the call of an editor for everything from retirements to special community events in the predominantly "Railroad City" of St. Thomas, ON. I was required to extend myself in areas not altogether familiar or comfortable for me. Following the who, what, where and when rule-of-thumb for news item leads and the inverted pyramid formula of story structure, my job was to present the facts available to me -- nothing more, nothing less. No editorializing, no personal opinions -- a perfect scenario for an unassuming journalism fledgling who was years away from finding his own voice as a writer and life experience commentator.
It was as a sports writer that I would eventually be introduced to the art of colorful prose designed to impress faithful sports page readers following their favorite teams through the medium of print. I learned to let my copy flow as though I was having a conversation with the reader and it made writing so much easier and less laborious.
In retrospect, my imagination was was always ignited by stories of people, real or fictional, whose actions were worthy of admiration or amazement. Whether being regaled with the feats of famous national sports, religious or cultural figures, or hearing about ordinary people performing extraordinary deeds, I loved a good tale.
As I advanced from the role of editorship into the more lucrative field of professional public relations, that passion for a good story was put to profitable use as I developed public awareness programs and worked to obtain positive media exposure for my companies and business associations. An interesting story — conveyed in a single news announcement or a multiphase publicity campaign — became a proven method for breaking through the communication clatter and ensuring that strategic messages reached their intended audiences. I knew that in a way I was prostituting myself but, what the heck, I was bringing home an all-important pay cheque in order to keep the wolf from my family's door.
Out of vocational necessity, I always wrote with other people (employers and audiences) foremost in mind. That tendency even carried over to a period in retirement when I served as a well-intentioned lay preacher, delivering messages that I thought church congregations wanted to hear, often going so far as to compromise what I truly believed in my heart of hearts. I struggled with the conscience of a false profit and against the expressionless faces of people in the pews who (I felt) must have seen through me. In the end, I walked away with the feeling that as a minister of "the word and sacrament," I somehow fell short, misunderstood and unappreciated, not taken sufficiently serious enough. Discretion dictates that I not elaborate on why I chose not to follow through on the "call" I had prayed for so fervently.
It may have been my imagination, but to me resentment toward my expressed beliefs and deepest thoughts was culpable in some familiar quarters, as if unwarranted coming from someone like me with a perceived lack of qualifications and the unmitigated gall to impose on the minds of others.
Perhaps my expectations have always been a bit too unrealistic and consequently self-debilitating. Then again, maybe I haven't quite known what to expect. Be that as it may, in retrospect I came to understand that my deepest fear was not that I was inadequate. My deepest fear was that I was powerful beyond measure and that I may not take full advantage of it. Generally, it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
As a young lad of limited means and struggling to find his way in the world, it did not take long for me to realize that I was slightly below average in all the ways that really mattered. Before my 21st birthday I had already swallowed the bitter pill of disappointment as a professional athlete and my first foray into the business world of retail sales was less than stellar. Still to be explored and developed was a sense of inquisitiveness and a creative nature that I really did not understand, let alone appreciate.
Shy and inhibited, I suppressed personal opinions and outward displays of ambition because I felt everyone else was smarter and more experienced than me. I held back...Deep emotions of seething volcano proportions percolated just under the surface. I tended to float through those unfulfilled early years of discovery, probably my own worst enemy.
It was with this less-than-desirable cloud hovering over me that I found myself fatefully and almost miraculously being hired as an untrained $45-a-week newspaper cub reporter while still a virtual newlywed with growing responsibilities and associated life distractions. Unrealized at the time, I was given an opportunity to step outside of myself in ways that I never knew possible. I cut my teeth as a general assignment reporter covering the local police and court beats. The go-to-guy for obituaries and at the call of an editor for everything from retirements to special community events in the predominantly "Railroad City" of St. Thomas, ON. I was required to extend myself in areas not altogether familiar or comfortable for me. Following the who, what, where and when rule-of-thumb for news item leads and the inverted pyramid formula of story structure, my job was to present the facts available to me -- nothing more, nothing less. No editorializing, no personal opinions -- a perfect scenario for an unassuming journalism fledgling who was years away from finding his own voice as a writer and life experience commentator.
It was as a sports writer that I would eventually be introduced to the art of colorful prose designed to impress faithful sports page readers following their favorite teams through the medium of print. I learned to let my copy flow as though I was having a conversation with the reader and it made writing so much easier and less laborious.
In retrospect, my imagination was was always ignited by stories of people, real or fictional, whose actions were worthy of admiration or amazement. Whether being regaled with the feats of famous national sports, religious or cultural figures, or hearing about ordinary people performing extraordinary deeds, I loved a good tale.
As I advanced from the role of editorship into the more lucrative field of professional public relations, that passion for a good story was put to profitable use as I developed public awareness programs and worked to obtain positive media exposure for my companies and business associations. An interesting story — conveyed in a single news announcement or a multiphase publicity campaign — became a proven method for breaking through the communication clatter and ensuring that strategic messages reached their intended audiences. I knew that in a way I was prostituting myself but, what the heck, I was bringing home an all-important pay cheque in order to keep the wolf from my family's door.
Out of vocational necessity, I always wrote with other people (employers and audiences) foremost in mind. That tendency even carried over to a period in retirement when I served as a well-intentioned lay preacher, delivering messages that I thought church congregations wanted to hear, often going so far as to compromise what I truly believed in my heart of hearts. I struggled with the conscience of a false profit and against the expressionless faces of people in the pews who (I felt) must have seen through me. In the end, I walked away with the feeling that as a minister of "the word and sacrament," I somehow fell short, misunderstood and unappreciated, not taken sufficiently serious enough. Discretion dictates that I not elaborate on why I chose not to follow through on the "call" I had prayed for so fervently.
It may have been my imagination, but to me resentment toward my expressed beliefs and deepest thoughts was culpable in some familiar quarters, as if unwarranted coming from someone like me with a perceived lack of qualifications and the unmitigated gall to impose on the minds of others.
Perhaps my expectations have always been a bit too unrealistic and consequently self-debilitating. Then again, maybe I haven't quite known what to expect. Be that as it may, in retrospect I came to understand that my deepest fear was not that I was inadequate. My deepest fear was that I was powerful beyond measure and that I may not take full advantage of it. Generally, it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, appealing, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are we not to be? We are all children of God and playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around us. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. Idealistically, as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others; or so I wanted to believe.
I say ideally, because it seems to me that every time I let my "little light shine" and exercised the glory and power within me, I got myself into trouble for some strange reason or another. Talk about a living and breathing contradiction. I'll never understand it, only to divulge a resultant paranoia and a once-bitten, twice-shy philosophy.
Almost a decade ago I launched this Wrights Lane blog site with the belief that I was capable of delivering inspiring human interest material based on my own life experiences and discoveries. If something was on my mind, I was convinced that the same thoughts and questions were was surely on other people's minds too. It was my fervent hope that I could use my differences to make a difference, a personal mission of sorts. In truth, after approximately 1,000 individual posts, I have no way of gauging the impact of that initial motivation and sense of mission. I can only speculate.
I have gained some followers and most certainly lost a few along the way. That is simply a fact of communications life. I amassed almost unbelievable views or hits on my Internet posts -- the majority anonymously and from sources unfamiliar to me (the mystery of Google); sought after, meaningful feedback being virtually non-existent and leading me to believe one of two things -- either readers were in total agreement with me or, given my frame of mind on a particular day, that my offerings were not worthy of response.
All I know is that I kept coming back with the courage of my convictions in the only way I knew how, because that is what writers do! I stood up for principles and continually fought against biases and misconceptions because I wanted to set the record (as I saw it) straight. On the rare occasion I was told that I had hit the nail on the head, other times I was accused of pontification. Generally, the label "funny guy" may well have applied -- a frequent sentiment that always amused me.
I have now reached a stage in life where I no longer have the warrior's impulse to keep on coming back and, know what?...The world continues to turn on it's axis, with or without humble input from me.
...In the end, I cannot think of a single soul who really gives a damn any way! I fear that it may have been ever thus.
I bow out much the same unfulfilled writer as that young newspaper reporter of 60 years ago. Sadly, I would have preferred a much different legacy from all the time, blood, sweat, tears and idealistic convictions exhausted sitting in front of the only tools of my trade -- a computer keyboard and formerly a trusty old hand-bomber typewriter. Both now destined to gather dust as I increasingly forget as readily as I am forgotten.
If only I could have been slightly better than average when the world still had potential to be my oyster -- and made more sense to me than it does presently.
...I coulda bin a contenda!!!
I say ideally, because it seems to me that every time I let my "little light shine" and exercised the glory and power within me, I got myself into trouble for some strange reason or another. Talk about a living and breathing contradiction. I'll never understand it, only to divulge a resultant paranoia and a once-bitten, twice-shy philosophy.
Almost a decade ago I launched this Wrights Lane blog site with the belief that I was capable of delivering inspiring human interest material based on my own life experiences and discoveries. If something was on my mind, I was convinced that the same thoughts and questions were was surely on other people's minds too. It was my fervent hope that I could use my differences to make a difference, a personal mission of sorts. In truth, after approximately 1,000 individual posts, I have no way of gauging the impact of that initial motivation and sense of mission. I can only speculate.
I have gained some followers and most certainly lost a few along the way. That is simply a fact of communications life. I amassed almost unbelievable views or hits on my Internet posts -- the majority anonymously and from sources unfamiliar to me (the mystery of Google); sought after, meaningful feedback being virtually non-existent and leading me to believe one of two things -- either readers were in total agreement with me or, given my frame of mind on a particular day, that my offerings were not worthy of response.
All I know is that I kept coming back with the courage of my convictions in the only way I knew how, because that is what writers do! I stood up for principles and continually fought against biases and misconceptions because I wanted to set the record (as I saw it) straight. On the rare occasion I was told that I had hit the nail on the head, other times I was accused of pontification. Generally, the label "funny guy" may well have applied -- a frequent sentiment that always amused me.
I have now reached a stage in life where I no longer have the warrior's impulse to keep on coming back and, know what?...The world continues to turn on it's axis, with or without humble input from me.
...In the end, I cannot think of a single soul who really gives a damn any way! I fear that it may have been ever thus.
I bow out much the same unfulfilled writer as that young newspaper reporter of 60 years ago. Sadly, I would have preferred a much different legacy from all the time, blood, sweat, tears and idealistic convictions exhausted sitting in front of the only tools of my trade -- a computer keyboard and formerly a trusty old hand-bomber typewriter. Both now destined to gather dust as I increasingly forget as readily as I am forgotten.
If only I could have been slightly better than average when the world still had potential to be my oyster -- and made more sense to me than it does presently.
...I coulda bin a contenda!!!
02 November, 2017
The world we live in today is completely different from what it was 20 or even 10 years ago. Advancements in technology have both improved and disrupted our lives. Take, for instance, how artificial intelligence has transformed the way we communicate and get things done. We also can't overlook how machines are replacing jobs we as humans have been operating for decades. If Siri can answer our questions and Uber can develop self-driving cars, what's next on the horizon for AI? Here's one possibility.
It is not uncommon to hear people claim that God is man made – a belief that all religions and deities are human constructs. Religious folks laugh off such claims, citing a lack of evidence. But what if we, as human beings, were able to create a brand-new God? By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), one fledgling religion seeks to do exactly that.
“Way of the Future” is a religious organization founded by a former Uber engineer named Anthony Levandowski. Its mission is to “develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence”. By worshipping this Godhead, the organization hopes to “contribute to the betterment of society.”
No more is known about the specifics of Way of the Future's Godhead, so it seems unlikely that a figure will be revealed any time soon. The emergence of documents filed with the State of California, however, demonstrate how the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and bioengineering is forcing discussions around how humans and robots will eventually coexist on earth.
But is creating an AI god even possible, or is this just another Silicon Valley pipe-dream? Levandowski believes it is possible – and if we ought to believe anyone, it should probably be him – Levandowski is famous for starting the first autonomous trucking company and paving the way for a future full of driver-less trucks.
Way to the Future seeks to capitalize on the idea of Singularity – a belief that at some point down the line, artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence, creating drastic and unprecedented changes in society. When that happens, Levandowski and his followers hope to find themselves on the side of the machines. By creating their own AI god, they hope to curry favor with our future robot overlords
The topic of robot takeover has historically been confined to the pages of science fiction books. However, it’s become an increasingly popular hypothesis in recent years as technological progress has continued at record pace. In fact, some of the brightest minds in the world are lending credence to the idea of Singularity. Both Elon Musk, founder of Tesla Motors, and renowned physicist Stephen Hawking have warned that an AI-dominated world is no longer a matter of “if”, but “when.”
Considering the vast (and frightening) consequences Singularity will have, should we really be comfortable with groups like Way to the Future delving into the arena? If the group succeeds in developing an all-powerful AI god, is there any scenario in which things end well for the rest of us?
Think about it: for one, they are assuming that this ultra-intelligent creation would be interested in being worshipped as a deity. Isn’t that a massive gamble? What if it has violent or insidious tendencies? At this point, it’s just as likely that an AI “Godhead” would see humans as an enemy; an obstacle that must be eliminated to make way for further technological expansion.
From what little we know about Way of the Future, at first glance it may seem to be an organization that is trying in good faith to fill a spiritual gap among those who believe in a technological singularity. But where some see a quirky organization, others may just as readily see a group worshiping false (and potentially dangerous) idols.
The organization hasn’t provided further details on how things are progressing, but that doesn’t rule out the possibility of significant advancements occurring in secret. If Way to the Future gains traction, it could easily become popular enough to bring in converts from other religions.
Personally, it is hard to imagine ever worshiping a bot that lacks any real personality, wisdom, or ability to become relevant and personal, no matter how much more intelligent it is than any human. An AI god would be cold and impersonal, an intellectual “being” that’s not capable of love or emotion, yet it would be capable of telling people how to live, going so far as to even rewrite the Christian Bible.
Are there those who will actually worship the AI god? The answer is obvious — they will. We tend to trust and obey things that seem more powerful and worthy than ourselves. The GPS in your car is just the most obvious example. But we also trust digital assistants Alexa and Cortana; we trust Google. When an AI becomes much more powerful, in 25 to 50 years, there is a great possibility that it will be deified in some way. (Apple and Google loyalists already have a religious fervor.)
If an AI god does emerge, and people do start worshiping it, there will be many implications about how this AI will need to be regulated, or even subdued. Truth be known, it is all beyond this mere mortal's comprehension. Little chance of me becoming a convert in this rapidly shrinking lifetime of mine...And that in my way of thinking is a good thing!
NOTE: I have intentionally not capitalized the artificial intellegence (G)god referenced in this post.
Way to the Future seeks to capitalize on the idea of Singularity – a belief that at some point down the line, artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence, creating drastic and unprecedented changes in society. When that happens, Levandowski and his followers hope to find themselves on the side of the machines. By creating their own AI god, they hope to curry favor with our future robot overlords
The topic of robot takeover has historically been confined to the pages of science fiction books. However, it’s become an increasingly popular hypothesis in recent years as technological progress has continued at record pace. In fact, some of the brightest minds in the world are lending credence to the idea of Singularity. Both Elon Musk, founder of Tesla Motors, and renowned physicist Stephen Hawking have warned that an AI-dominated world is no longer a matter of “if”, but “when.”
Considering the vast (and frightening) consequences Singularity will have, should we really be comfortable with groups like Way to the Future delving into the arena? If the group succeeds in developing an all-powerful AI god, is there any scenario in which things end well for the rest of us?
Think about it: for one, they are assuming that this ultra-intelligent creation would be interested in being worshipped as a deity. Isn’t that a massive gamble? What if it has violent or insidious tendencies? At this point, it’s just as likely that an AI “Godhead” would see humans as an enemy; an obstacle that must be eliminated to make way for further technological expansion.
From what little we know about Way of the Future, at first glance it may seem to be an organization that is trying in good faith to fill a spiritual gap among those who believe in a technological singularity. But where some see a quirky organization, others may just as readily see a group worshiping false (and potentially dangerous) idols.
The organization hasn’t provided further details on how things are progressing, but that doesn’t rule out the possibility of significant advancements occurring in secret. If Way to the Future gains traction, it could easily become popular enough to bring in converts from other religions.
Personally, it is hard to imagine ever worshiping a bot that lacks any real personality, wisdom, or ability to become relevant and personal, no matter how much more intelligent it is than any human. An AI god would be cold and impersonal, an intellectual “being” that’s not capable of love or emotion, yet it would be capable of telling people how to live, going so far as to even rewrite the Christian Bible.
Are there those who will actually worship the AI god? The answer is obvious — they will. We tend to trust and obey things that seem more powerful and worthy than ourselves. The GPS in your car is just the most obvious example. But we also trust digital assistants Alexa and Cortana; we trust Google. When an AI becomes much more powerful, in 25 to 50 years, there is a great possibility that it will be deified in some way. (Apple and Google loyalists already have a religious fervor.)
If an AI god does emerge, and people do start worshiping it, there will be many implications about how this AI will need to be regulated, or even subdued. Truth be known, it is all beyond this mere mortal's comprehension. Little chance of me becoming a convert in this rapidly shrinking lifetime of mine...And that in my way of thinking is a good thing!
NOTE: I have intentionally not capitalized the artificial intellegence (G)god referenced in this post.
01 November, 2017
Fires last month burned thousands of houses in California and British Columbia to the ground. Record hurricanes have devastated Houston and Florida. And global warming predicts more such “extreme weather events” in the years ahead.
What can you and I do, in our small corner of the world, to take responsibility for the ecological and cultural crises in which we find ourselves? Good question. In the end, would any individual contribution make a difference in the real picture?...An even better question.
The non dual perspective says that everything is connected to everything else. There are no independent relationships and thus nowhere in particular to “point the finger.” But in another sense, as people awakening to whatever degree of choice we have, we realize responsibility is distributed throughout the human system, so we each do have some real responsibility to the future. It’s important to feel and act connected to the moral implications of everything happening in our time, knowing that what happens in our lifetimes matters profoundly.
A third way to view our predicament is as an inevitable crossroads and an evolutionary opportunity. Natural selection, superior intelligence, opposable thumbs, and the acquisition of language would perhaps cause any species on any planet to overpopulate, choke on their own wastes and begin to destroy our life support system. Humans are not unique in this regard.
God help us, the writing is on the wall...We are going to suffer tremendous losses in the days ahead...This is no dress rehearsal. An ethic of sustainability is essential, not simply because it preserves the environment, but because it allows the discovery of a lifestyle that can continue for generations. It is far preferable to recognize the most egregious violations, and correct them as quickly as possible, so that people might ease into their new roles voluntarily instead of being thrust into by necessity.
I suggest that whether we succeed or not at turning the corner to a sustainable future, the sacred invitation of this lifetime is both spiritual and social — we can awaken into a different way of being human, individually and together — and a new relationship to the earth, our fellow creatures, and one another.
Let us all give this serious thought -- please!
What can you and I do, in our small corner of the world, to take responsibility for the ecological and cultural crises in which we find ourselves? Good question. In the end, would any individual contribution make a difference in the real picture?...An even better question.
![]() |
The Three Pillars of Sustainability says that
for the complete sustainability problem to be
solved all three pillars of sustainability must
be sustainable. The three pillars are social
sustainability, environmental sustainability
and economic sustainability. Of the three
pillars, the most important is environmental
sustainability. If this is not solved, then no
matter how hard we try the other pillars
cannot be made strong because they are
dependent on the greater system they live
within, the environment.
The non dual perspective says that everything is connected to everything else. There are no independent relationships and thus nowhere in particular to “point the finger.” But in another sense, as people awakening to whatever degree of choice we have, we realize responsibility is distributed throughout the human system, so we each do have some real responsibility to the future. It’s important to feel and act connected to the moral implications of everything happening in our time, knowing that what happens in our lifetimes matters profoundly.
A third way to view our predicament is as an inevitable crossroads and an evolutionary opportunity. Natural selection, superior intelligence, opposable thumbs, and the acquisition of language would perhaps cause any species on any planet to overpopulate, choke on their own wastes and begin to destroy our life support system. Humans are not unique in this regard.
By all accounts, this isn’t some abstract timescale of centuries, affecting a world we can’t yet imagine. Our actions are already affecting us. They will continue affecting us. The people who will have to make these radical decisions are our grandchildren, our children, and even ourselves in whatever time we have left on this planet.
The question is, why aren’t we doing these things already? These problems aren’t new. They have been identified, we know they exist, and we know that they’re accelerating. We are uniquely equipped economically in Canada; we have enough wherewithal to make the economic transition to sustainability. We simply lack the willingness.
While we work to slow climate change, we must also invest in efforts to protect and preserve our air, water, lands, and native animals. Figuring out how to persuade people to make necessary changes in their lifestyles to ensure the sustainable use of this planet will end up being the great question of our generation. It is up to our federal and provincial governments to lead the way and to make hard decisions in dealing with corporate polluters.
While we work to slow climate change, we must also invest in efforts to protect and preserve our air, water, lands, and native animals. Figuring out how to persuade people to make necessary changes in their lifestyles to ensure the sustainable use of this planet will end up being the great question of our generation. It is up to our federal and provincial governments to lead the way and to make hard decisions in dealing with corporate polluters.
I suggest that whether we succeed or not at turning the corner to a sustainable future, the sacred invitation of this lifetime is both spiritual and social — we can awaken into a different way of being human, individually and together — and a new relationship to the earth, our fellow creatures, and one another.
Let us all give this serious thought -- please!
29 October, 2017
I worked on this piece several months ago when something (I honestly can't remember what) was bothering me. I came across it in my draft file this morning and thought "what the heck". On review, I have scored myself on an authentic scale of 1 to 10 and am not too surprised with the results.
Being authentic has become somewhat of a catchphrase for people, but what does it mean? What is it to be authentic as a person?
From research and some soul-searching, here are what I found to be 10 traits of truly authentic people.
Because they look at themselves and their mistakes on a regular basis, they do not judge others for theirs. They understand that mistakes are to be learning experiences and are a valuable tool for growth and change. They take others as they are regardless of color, orientation, national origin, religion or anything else. *Personal rating: 9
They do not dwell on their past, their regrets or mistakes. Likewise, they do not spend all day fantasizing about the future either. They live in the present and they take things day by day. Someone who is authentic understands that everyone changes and that life is a day by day struggle to make the most of our short lives here on earth. *Personal rating (a tough one for me because of a contradiction): 7
While they live in the present, they have a plan for the future. They are focused on long term goals and not on the short term gains they could make by lying to, cheating on or stealing from others. They invest their time for long term benefits and do not follow the mercurial crowd of trend chasers. They know who they are and what they want and so make a plan to achieve that in a reasonable amount of time. *Personal rating (another tough one): 6
They value their character, or their honor to put it another way, more than they value making a fast buck. They will do what they said they will do and when they said they will do it. They are dependable and honest. You can count on someone who is authentic because they hold themselves accountable for their actions. *Personal rating: 10
If they are talking with you, it is because they want to hear what you have to say. Otherwise, they would not waste their time. You can tell because they are not just waiting to reply with their own thoughts or opinions but are actually trying to digest what you are telling them. They pay attention to the little things you say because they are trying to understand what you are telling them. *Personal rating: 9
Because the authentic person spends time reflecting on their own actions and hold themselves accountable for their actions, they are much more emotionally consistent. They know what they want already. They know who and what they are. They are on the path they have set for themselves and so do not chase ephemeral things like wealth or status. They are grounded in the here and now while they make their way into the future they have planned for themselves. There is no flip-flopping or indecision because they have already decided where they want to be in life. *Personal rating: 6
Because they are honest with themselves about what they want out of life and who they want to be, the authentic person has little choice but to be completely honest with everyone. They don’t hold back. They call them like they see them. They are open and honest about their opinions and thoughts. They see no need to deceive others about their intentions because they are not insecure about themselves or in competition with them. The only thing that drives them to excel is themselves. *Personal rating: 9
Because they are honest with themselves and spend time in self-reflection and value their character, they respect themselves. Many of the things that they do revolve around making sure they can still respect themselves afterward. They won’t compromise their beliefs because they wouldn’t be able to look at themselves in the mirror the next day. They respect themselves and hold themselves accountable for their actions which gives them integrity and strength of character, which they value more than money. *Personal rating: 10
They have the courage to be themselves and to be true to their ideals even when those things are not popular. They have the courage of their convictions and the strength to stick to their guns even when the whole world is trying to shout them down and bend them to their will. They do not succumb to societal pressure and instead march to their own drumbeat. Authentic people stand out because they refuse to conform to what others think they should be doing. They have the courage to be the unique individual that they are. Personal rating: 10
So out of a possible 100 points, I score myself an 84 on the authentic scale. Sounds about right for a guy like me. Not too much that I can do about it now anyway.
I'm about as authentic as I can get. So live with it folks!
Being authentic has become somewhat of a catchphrase for people, but what does it mean? What is it to be authentic as a person?
Authentic is something that is real or genuine. It is easy to create a completely fake or misleading life on social media and carry that over to your actual life with people who do not know you intimately. Being authentic means that not only do you not present a false face to the world, but you are comfortable and happy with yourself as you are.
Being authentic means having the courage to be yourself regardless of what people will think about you or what they will say behind your back. Authentic people are easily spotted by their traits, their actions and the way that they interact with the wider world.
From research and some soul-searching, here are what I found to be 10 traits of truly authentic people.
They spend time looking at themselves and really trying to understand who and what they are, what they want out of life and what kind of person they want to be along the journey. They study their mistakes without obsessing over them and try to use those experiences as a springboard to being a better person. *Personal rating: 8
They spend time looking at themselves and really trying to understand who and what they are, what they want out of life and what kind of person they want to be along the journey. They study their mistakes without obsessing over them and try to use those experiences as a springboard to being a better person. *Personal rating: 8
Because they look at themselves and their mistakes on a regular basis, they do not judge others for theirs. They understand that mistakes are to be learning experiences and are a valuable tool for growth and change. They take others as they are regardless of color, orientation, national origin, religion or anything else. *Personal rating: 9
They do not dwell on their past, their regrets or mistakes. Likewise, they do not spend all day fantasizing about the future either. They live in the present and they take things day by day. Someone who is authentic understands that everyone changes and that life is a day by day struggle to make the most of our short lives here on earth. *Personal rating (a tough one for me because of a contradiction): 7
While they live in the present, they have a plan for the future. They are focused on long term goals and not on the short term gains they could make by lying to, cheating on or stealing from others. They invest their time for long term benefits and do not follow the mercurial crowd of trend chasers. They know who they are and what they want and so make a plan to achieve that in a reasonable amount of time. *Personal rating (another tough one): 6
They value their character, or their honor to put it another way, more than they value making a fast buck. They will do what they said they will do and when they said they will do it. They are dependable and honest. You can count on someone who is authentic because they hold themselves accountable for their actions. *Personal rating: 10
If they are talking with you, it is because they want to hear what you have to say. Otherwise, they would not waste their time. You can tell because they are not just waiting to reply with their own thoughts or opinions but are actually trying to digest what you are telling them. They pay attention to the little things you say because they are trying to understand what you are telling them. *Personal rating: 9
Because the authentic person spends time reflecting on their own actions and hold themselves accountable for their actions, they are much more emotionally consistent. They know what they want already. They know who and what they are. They are on the path they have set for themselves and so do not chase ephemeral things like wealth or status. They are grounded in the here and now while they make their way into the future they have planned for themselves. There is no flip-flopping or indecision because they have already decided where they want to be in life. *Personal rating: 6
Because they are honest with themselves about what they want out of life and who they want to be, the authentic person has little choice but to be completely honest with everyone. They don’t hold back. They call them like they see them. They are open and honest about their opinions and thoughts. They see no need to deceive others about their intentions because they are not insecure about themselves or in competition with them. The only thing that drives them to excel is themselves. *Personal rating: 9
Because they are honest with themselves and spend time in self-reflection and value their character, they respect themselves. Many of the things that they do revolve around making sure they can still respect themselves afterward. They won’t compromise their beliefs because they wouldn’t be able to look at themselves in the mirror the next day. They respect themselves and hold themselves accountable for their actions which gives them integrity and strength of character, which they value more than money. *Personal rating: 10
They have the courage to be themselves and to be true to their ideals even when those things are not popular. They have the courage of their convictions and the strength to stick to their guns even when the whole world is trying to shout them down and bend them to their will. They do not succumb to societal pressure and instead march to their own drumbeat. Authentic people stand out because they refuse to conform to what others think they should be doing. They have the courage to be the unique individual that they are. Personal rating: 10
So out of a possible 100 points, I score myself an 84 on the authentic scale. Sounds about right for a guy like me. Not too much that I can do about it now anyway.
I'm about as authentic as I can get. So live with it folks!
26 October, 2017
CMA: Advancing Quality of Life and Quality of Care for Seniors
Okay fellow seniors, here's a news report that you are not apt to read in tomorrow's local newspapers. It is information very important to all of us.
The CMA’s submission, Advancing Quality of Life and Quality of Care for Seniors, outlines 15 recommendations for how seniors can remain active and engaged citizens of our communities.
This is an important milestone in the work of Demand A Plan and the much-maligned federal government is at least to be commended for acting on the pressing needs of Canada’s seniors. More than 52,000 Canadians like me have lent their support to the CMA’s efforts by becoming supporters, and together we’ve sent over 100,000 letters to local MPs.
Canadians are living longer, healthier lives than ever before. The number of seniors expected to need help or care in the next 30 years will double, placing an unprecedented challenge on Canada’s health care system. That we face this challenge speaks to the immense success story that is modern medicine, but it doesn’t in any way minimize the task ahead.
Publicly funded health care was created about 50 years ago when Canada’s population was just over 20 million and the average life expectancy was 71. Today, our population is over 36 million and the average life expectancy is 10 years longer. People 85 and older make up the fastest growing age group in our country, and the growth in the number of centenarians is also expected to continue.
"The Canadian Medical Association is pleased that the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities is studying ways Canada can respond to these challenges," said CMA President Dr. Laurent Marcoux in presenting the 15 comprehensive recommendations that "would help our seniors remain active, contributing citizens of their communities while improving the quality of their lives."
These range from increasing capital investment in residential care infrastructure, to enhancing assistance for caregivers, to improving the senior-friendliness of our neighbourhoods. "The task faced by this committee, indeed the task faced by all of Canada, is daunting. That said, it is manageable and great advances can be made on behalf of seniors. By doing so, we will ultimately deliver both health and financial benefits to all Canadians," Dr. Marcoux added.
Here are the recommendation:
RECOMMENDATION 1: the federal government include capital investment in residential care infrastructure, including retrofit and renovation, as part of its commitment to invest in social infrastructure.
RECOMMENDATION 2: the federal government take steps to provide adequate income support for older Canadians, as well as education and protection from financial abuse. Improving the overall quality of life and well-being for seniors Improving how we support and care for Canada’s growing seniors population has been a priority for CMA over the past several years.
RECOMMENDATION 3: the federal government provide targeted funding to support the development of a pan-Canadian seniors strategy to address the needs of the aging population. Improving assistance for home care and Canada’s caregivers.
RECOMMENDATION 4: governments work with the health and social services sectors, and with private insurers, to develop a framework for the funding and delivery of accessible and sustainable home care and long-term care services. Family and friend caregivers are an extremely important part of the health care system.
RECOMMENDATION 5: the federal government and other stakeholders work together to develop and implement a pan-Canadian caregiver strategy, and expand the support programs currently offered to informal caregivers.
RECOMMENDATION 6: the federal government improve awareness of the new Canada Caregiver Credit and amend it to make it a refundable tax credit for caregivers. The federal government’s recent commitment to provide $6 billion over 10 years to the provinces and territories for home care, including support for caregivers, is a welcome step toward improving opportunities for seniors to remain in their homes.
RECOMMENDATION 7: the federal government develop explicit operating principles for the home care funding that has been negotiated with the provinces and territories to recognize funding for caregivers and respite care as eligible areas of investment. The federal government’s recent funding investments in home care and mental health recognize the importance of these aspects of the health care system. They also signal that Canada has under-invested in home and community-based care to date.
RECOMMENDATION 8: the federal government convene an all-party parliamentary international study that includes stakeholders to examine the approaches taken to mitigate the inappropriate use of acute care for elderly persons and provide support for caregivers.
RECOMMENDATION 9: governments at all levels support programs to promote physical activity, nutrition, injury prevention, and mental health among older Canadians. For seniors who have multiple chronic diseases or disabilities, care needs can be complex, and they may vary greatly from one person to another and involve many health care providers. Complex care needs demand a flexible and responsive health system.
RECOMMENDATION 10: governments and other stakeholders work together to develop and implement models of integrated, interdisciplinary health service delivery for older Canadians. Every senior should have the opportunity to have a family physician or to be part of a family practice that serves as a medical home. This provides a central hub for the timely provision and coordination of the comprehensive menu of health and medical services.
RECOMMENDATION 11: governments continue efforts to ensure that older Canadians have access to a family physician, supported by specialized geriatric services as appropriate. Prescription drugs represent the fastest-growing item in the health budget and the second-largest category of health expenditure.
RECOMMENDATION 12: governments and other stakeholders work together to develop and implement a pan-Canadian pharmaceutical strategy that addresses both comprehensive coverage of essential medicines for all Canadians, and programs to encourage optimal prescribing and drug therapy. Optimal care and support for older Canadians also depends on identifying, adapting, and implementing best practices in the care of seniors.
RECOMMENDATION 13: governments and other stakeholders support ongoing research to identify best practices in the care of seniors, and monitor the impact of various interventions on health outcomes and costs.
RECOMMENDATION 14: governments at all levels and other partners give older Canadians access to opportunities for meaningful employment if they desire. The physical environment, including the built environment, can help to promote seniors’ independence and successful, healthy aging. The World Health Organization defines an “age-friendly environment” as one that fosters health and well-being and the participation of people as they age.
RECOMMENDATION 15: governments and communities take the needs of older Canadians into account when designing buildings, walkways, transportation systems, and other aspects of the built environment.
The Canadian Medical Association is the national voice of Canadian physicians. Founded in 1867, the CMA’s mission is empowering and caring for patients, and its vision is a vibrant profession and a healthy population. On behalf of its more than 85,000 members and the Canadian public, the CMA performs a wide variety of functions. Key functions include advocating for health promotion and disease/injury prevention policies and strategies, advocating for access to quality health care, facilitating change within the medical profession, and providing leadership and guidance to physicians to help them influence, manage and adapt to changes in health care delivery.
The CMA is a voluntary professional organization representing the majority of Canada’s physicians and comprising 12 provincial and territorial divisions and over 60 national medical organizations.
As a seniors depending heavily on the services of our health care system, Rosanne and I greatly appreciate that the CMA has spoken on our behalf. Somebody had to do it!
Pray that the government not only continues to listen, but ultimately acts on the recommendations of front line health care providers.
This afternoon (Oct. 26) the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) made a "seniors care" presentation to the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. The committee has been studying the need for a national seniors care strategy following a motion introduced by Nickel Belt Member of Parliament (MP) Marc Serré earlier this year.
The CMA’s submission, Advancing Quality of Life and Quality of Care for Seniors, outlines 15 recommendations for how seniors can remain active and engaged citizens of our communities.
This is an important milestone in the work of Demand A Plan and the much-maligned federal government is at least to be commended for acting on the pressing needs of Canada’s seniors. More than 52,000 Canadians like me have lent their support to the CMA’s efforts by becoming supporters, and together we’ve sent over 100,000 letters to local MPs.
Canadians are living longer, healthier lives than ever before. The number of seniors expected to need help or care in the next 30 years will double, placing an unprecedented challenge on Canada’s health care system. That we face this challenge speaks to the immense success story that is modern medicine, but it doesn’t in any way minimize the task ahead.
Publicly funded health care was created about 50 years ago when Canada’s population was just over 20 million and the average life expectancy was 71. Today, our population is over 36 million and the average life expectancy is 10 years longer. People 85 and older make up the fastest growing age group in our country, and the growth in the number of centenarians is also expected to continue.
"The Canadian Medical Association is pleased that the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities is studying ways Canada can respond to these challenges," said CMA President Dr. Laurent Marcoux in presenting the 15 comprehensive recommendations that "would help our seniors remain active, contributing citizens of their communities while improving the quality of their lives."
These range from increasing capital investment in residential care infrastructure, to enhancing assistance for caregivers, to improving the senior-friendliness of our neighbourhoods. "The task faced by this committee, indeed the task faced by all of Canada, is daunting. That said, it is manageable and great advances can be made on behalf of seniors. By doing so, we will ultimately deliver both health and financial benefits to all Canadians," Dr. Marcoux added.
Here are the recommendation:
RECOMMENDATION 1: the federal government include capital investment in residential care infrastructure, including retrofit and renovation, as part of its commitment to invest in social infrastructure.
RECOMMENDATION 2: the federal government take steps to provide adequate income support for older Canadians, as well as education and protection from financial abuse. Improving the overall quality of life and well-being for seniors Improving how we support and care for Canada’s growing seniors population has been a priority for CMA over the past several years.
RECOMMENDATION 3: the federal government provide targeted funding to support the development of a pan-Canadian seniors strategy to address the needs of the aging population. Improving assistance for home care and Canada’s caregivers.
RECOMMENDATION 4: governments work with the health and social services sectors, and with private insurers, to develop a framework for the funding and delivery of accessible and sustainable home care and long-term care services. Family and friend caregivers are an extremely important part of the health care system.
RECOMMENDATION 5: the federal government and other stakeholders work together to develop and implement a pan-Canadian caregiver strategy, and expand the support programs currently offered to informal caregivers.
RECOMMENDATION 6: the federal government improve awareness of the new Canada Caregiver Credit and amend it to make it a refundable tax credit for caregivers. The federal government’s recent commitment to provide $6 billion over 10 years to the provinces and territories for home care, including support for caregivers, is a welcome step toward improving opportunities for seniors to remain in their homes.
RECOMMENDATION 7: the federal government develop explicit operating principles for the home care funding that has been negotiated with the provinces and territories to recognize funding for caregivers and respite care as eligible areas of investment. The federal government’s recent funding investments in home care and mental health recognize the importance of these aspects of the health care system. They also signal that Canada has under-invested in home and community-based care to date.
RECOMMENDATION 8: the federal government convene an all-party parliamentary international study that includes stakeholders to examine the approaches taken to mitigate the inappropriate use of acute care for elderly persons and provide support for caregivers.
RECOMMENDATION 9: governments at all levels support programs to promote physical activity, nutrition, injury prevention, and mental health among older Canadians. For seniors who have multiple chronic diseases or disabilities, care needs can be complex, and they may vary greatly from one person to another and involve many health care providers. Complex care needs demand a flexible and responsive health system.
RECOMMENDATION 10: governments and other stakeholders work together to develop and implement models of integrated, interdisciplinary health service delivery for older Canadians. Every senior should have the opportunity to have a family physician or to be part of a family practice that serves as a medical home. This provides a central hub for the timely provision and coordination of the comprehensive menu of health and medical services.
RECOMMENDATION 11: governments continue efforts to ensure that older Canadians have access to a family physician, supported by specialized geriatric services as appropriate. Prescription drugs represent the fastest-growing item in the health budget and the second-largest category of health expenditure.
RECOMMENDATION 12: governments and other stakeholders work together to develop and implement a pan-Canadian pharmaceutical strategy that addresses both comprehensive coverage of essential medicines for all Canadians, and programs to encourage optimal prescribing and drug therapy. Optimal care and support for older Canadians also depends on identifying, adapting, and implementing best practices in the care of seniors.
RECOMMENDATION 13: governments and other stakeholders support ongoing research to identify best practices in the care of seniors, and monitor the impact of various interventions on health outcomes and costs.
RECOMMENDATION 14: governments at all levels and other partners give older Canadians access to opportunities for meaningful employment if they desire. The physical environment, including the built environment, can help to promote seniors’ independence and successful, healthy aging. The World Health Organization defines an “age-friendly environment” as one that fosters health and well-being and the participation of people as they age.
RECOMMENDATION 15: governments and communities take the needs of older Canadians into account when designing buildings, walkways, transportation systems, and other aspects of the built environment.
The Canadian Medical Association is the national voice of Canadian physicians. Founded in 1867, the CMA’s mission is empowering and caring for patients, and its vision is a vibrant profession and a healthy population. On behalf of its more than 85,000 members and the Canadian public, the CMA performs a wide variety of functions. Key functions include advocating for health promotion and disease/injury prevention policies and strategies, advocating for access to quality health care, facilitating change within the medical profession, and providing leadership and guidance to physicians to help them influence, manage and adapt to changes in health care delivery.
The CMA is a voluntary professional organization representing the majority of Canada’s physicians and comprising 12 provincial and territorial divisions and over 60 national medical organizations.
As a seniors depending heavily on the services of our health care system, Rosanne and I greatly appreciate that the CMA has spoken on our behalf. Somebody had to do it!
Pray that the government not only continues to listen, but ultimately acts on the recommendations of front line health care providers.
25 October, 2017
In retrospect, I am absolutely convinced that I was a much happier person when I was not influenced by politics and religion. In fact, for the first naive third of my 79-plus years, I flatly refused to become involved in conversations relating to either subject…And that is an unusual concession coming from someone who eventually became a newspaper editorial writer and in later years, an appropriately-designated lay pastor.
Life plays funny tricks on us and we do indeed experience twists and turns at various stages of our journey to senility. There was a time when I did not think that I had anything of significance to say and when I eventually did discover my voice, I found that by and large no one really listened. The world that I lived in had become confrontational, complicated by stubbornly-held opinions and biases.
Generally, today we beg to differ with just about everything and we do not hesitate to vent our spleens, regardless of who we offend -- even our friends. In ignorance we become over-night experts. In obscurity, we feel safe to become very bold on worldly issues. In a way, I guess, it is symptomatic of frustration in a society struggling to find a common voice at an agenda-driven-time in our history.
I struggle to balance the onset of age-related cynicism with a sensitive, non-biased, common sense rationalization of the crazy world in which we now find ourselves. There is reason in all things -- some times we just have to make an effort to find it and adjust our thinking accordingly, especially in this day and age. Otherwise, we ere when jumping to conclusions!
In retrospect, I am absolutely convinced that I was a much happier person when I was not influenced by politics and religion. In fact, for the first naive third of my 79-plus years, I flatly refused to become involved in conversations relating to either subject…And that is an unusual concession coming from someone who eventually became a newspaper editorial writer and in later years, an appropriately-designated lay pastor.
Life plays funny tricks on us and we do indeed experience twists and turns at various stages of our journey to senility. There was a time when I did not think that I had anything of significance to say and when I eventually did discover my voice, I found that by and large no one really listened. The world that I lived in had become confrontational, complicated by stubbornly-held opinions and biases.
Generally, today we beg to differ with just about everything and we do not hesitate to vent our spleens, regardless of who we offend -- even our friends. In ignorance we become over-night experts. In obscurity, we feel safe to become very bold on worldly issues. In a way, I guess, it is symptomatic of frustration in a society struggling to find a common voice at an agenda-driven-time in our history.
I struggle to balance the onset of age-related cynicism with a sensitive, non-biased, common sense rationalization of the crazy world in which we now find ourselves. There is reason in all things -- some times we just have to make an effort to find it and adjust our thinking accordingly, especially in this day and age. Otherwise, we ere when jumping to conclusions!
22 October, 2017
I often find myself relating to the writings of Rev. Bob Johnston. as if he and I went to the same "old school". The retired Saugeen Shores minister this week talked about his decision not to attend homecoming festivities on the campus of the University of Debuque several years ago. Here is what he shared:
"While I cannot live in the past, I can choose to let my memories of those long ago years be uncontaminated by the reality of the passing of time. In other words, when I close my eyes in a quiet moment of recollection, I can once again find myself back in 1959. All my teammates are still fit, young athletes, proudly wearing the Spartan blue and white uniform. We can run six miles and finish strong. My girlfriends remain Prairie-fresh beautiful, pony tails bouncing and Pepsodent white smiles radiant. My profs are dynamic and idealistic conveyors of truth. Eisenhower is President!
"Were I to return to my campus in 2013, nothing would be the same: My teammates, those still alive, would be old men much like me, now content to climb six steps, not run six miles, without puffing. Those “young women” would now carry the added wrinkles, sags and grey hair of long life. My profs are all dead and a man named Trump is President!
"I know the counter-arguments: I would be accused of being superficial, my long ago friends are still the same good people despite inevitable superficial changes in packaging, I could relive the good old days of athletic success with teammates while we mildly exaggerate to one another about post-university life achievements. I suppose I could flirt harmlessly with the widowed grandmothers as we exchange photos of our grandkids. We could all studiously avoid talking politics. Above all, by revisiting my old campus, I might even reawaken half-forgotten memories of good times when I was single and carefree, not yet having to shoulder major life responsibilities."
Bob concludes that he has no regrets over his decision. Sometimes cherished past memories, like precious old photos, are more valuable when left un-retouched.
I completely concur with his sentiments...Those are the very same reasons I choose to avoid "going back" to my old hometown of Dresden these days. Likewise St. Thomas, Simcoe, Prince Albert (Sask.) and Brampton where I left a lot of myself behind during my working career.
Memories, good and bad, are better left in the past. They are the markers of the journey through life. It is necessary to know where we come from because only then can we know where we are going. But why attempt to revisit what was? -- and in the process risk spoiling what is!
Come to think of it, who cares anyway. I can literally count on one hand (with at least three fingers left over) the times that I have been invited back -- anywhere, and by anyone.
...And no one has used up more ink on nostalgic reflections than me. Rev. Bob at least has the satisfaction of being asked to go back and there is something to be said for that.
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Rev. Bob |
"Were I to return to my campus in 2013, nothing would be the same: My teammates, those still alive, would be old men much like me, now content to climb six steps, not run six miles, without puffing. Those “young women” would now carry the added wrinkles, sags and grey hair of long life. My profs are all dead and a man named Trump is President!
"I know the counter-arguments: I would be accused of being superficial, my long ago friends are still the same good people despite inevitable superficial changes in packaging, I could relive the good old days of athletic success with teammates while we mildly exaggerate to one another about post-university life achievements. I suppose I could flirt harmlessly with the widowed grandmothers as we exchange photos of our grandkids. We could all studiously avoid talking politics. Above all, by revisiting my old campus, I might even reawaken half-forgotten memories of good times when I was single and carefree, not yet having to shoulder major life responsibilities."
Bob concludes that he has no regrets over his decision. Sometimes cherished past memories, like precious old photos, are more valuable when left un-retouched.
I completely concur with his sentiments...Those are the very same reasons I choose to avoid "going back" to my old hometown of Dresden these days. Likewise St. Thomas, Simcoe, Prince Albert (Sask.) and Brampton where I left a lot of myself behind during my working career.
Memories, good and bad, are better left in the past. They are the markers of the journey through life. It is necessary to know where we come from because only then can we know where we are going. But why attempt to revisit what was? -- and in the process risk spoiling what is!
Come to think of it, who cares anyway. I can literally count on one hand (with at least three fingers left over) the times that I have been invited back -- anywhere, and by anyone.
...And no one has used up more ink on nostalgic reflections than me. Rev. Bob at least has the satisfaction of being asked to go back and there is something to be said for that.
18 October, 2017
With this post I continue to champion local citizens who generally fly under the radar in serving the community and country in which they live.
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Since being a teenager growing up in Owen Sound, Ontario, she has encouraged rural action on climate change as a public speaker and grassroots organizer, later as an organic farmer, then as an elected Municipal Councilor in Saugeen Shores. Serda holds a Bachelor Degree in Independent Studies from the University of Waterloo and she has a long-standing interest and passion for community service and environmental protection.
She also has the honour of being one of the first 20 Canadian Climate Leaders trained by Al Gore and, in 2007, along with her then 11-year-old daughter Corrina, they presented over 90 times to more than 25,000 people across Ontario. After having run millions in programs with indigenous and settler governments, non-profits and companies, she now has her own consulting corporation, StepFour, that specializes in implementing community dreams.
Serda’s mentor group will include 25 people from around the world, including leaders from Sweden, Israel, Italy, Norway, Finland, Morocco, Albania, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Hungary and the United States.
Their life experiences include being a student, professor, business owner, sustainability consultant, a food industry processor, farm researcher, lawyer, doctor and a father and daughter team.
As a mentor in the panel discussion, she will be asked questions by Gore about her own experience, to help the new trainees understand how to tell their stories, connect, and empower their audiences.
“This personal training from Al Gore and many experts in science, communication and community organizing will change over 1300 people’s lives, just as it did for me back in 2007,” Serda said. "They will join over 11,000 people already empowered to be effective local Climate Leaders around the world.”
What is The Climate Reality Project Canada?
The Climate Reality Project Canada (Climate Reality Canada) is a charity organization that serves as the Canadian component of a global movement. Climate Reality Canada motivates Canadians to become active participants in solving the climate crisis by:
-- Training a diverse range of citizens from numerous geographic regions and walks of life, who will then communicate to the public about the urgency and impact of climate change.
-- Engaging the public through presentations, news media and individual conversations as well as non-partisan grassroots advocacy so that Canadians will make informed choices about public policy matters related to climate change.
-- Promoting personal, local, domestic and international initiatives to solve the climate crisis.
Originally named The Climate Project Canada, the organization was created in May 2007 with the objective of educating Canadians about the science and impact of climate change as well as solutions to address it. Based on the model of The Climate Project founded by Nobel Laureate Al Gore, the primary means of disseminating this information is through trained Climate Leaders like Serda from all demographics, regions, sectors and backgrounds. Leaders originally presented adapted versions of a slide show as featured in the widely viewed documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," which made the compelling case that global warming is real, man-made, and its effects will be cataclysmic if we don’t act now.