02 March, 2009


It's RRROLL UP THE RIM time again at Tim Hortons. So far Rosanne and I are 0 for 6, so we are due to break into the winner's circle any time now.
We were in Tim's the last time they ran the promotion and sitting at a table next to us were two young women. The one we knew to be marginally challenged and the other was obviously her case worker. They were having an animated conversation over coffees that they were just finishing. Reaching for her coat, the case worker pushed the two empty cups over to her friend saying, "You'd better check to see if we won anything."
"Oh, I get these all the time and I never win," she said in return as she rolled up the rim, first on one cup and then on the other. "Try again, try again (please play again)," she repeated with disgust. "See, I told you!"
As the case worker rose to her feet, she casually picked up one of the cups and checked the rim. "Hey, what do you mean? We won a free donut," she announced with surprise, as if not believing her eyes.
"How should I know?" came the response. "I can't read!"
The "word" according to Rosanne
It's been a while since we've heard from Rosanne, the queen of Malaprop, and her Rosanneisms.
--Last Monday she asked: "Are we going to have pancakes on Shroud Tuesday?" Meaning of course: "Are we going to have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?" Pretty close, you have to admit.
--My birthday was on Sunday and as the evening was winding down, Rosanne asked: "Are you going to give me a kiss in the postpartum of your birthday?" Depression after pregancy was not exactly how I would describe it, but try as I may I can't come up with a reasonable substitute for postpartum. "Late stage" or "afterglow" would work but neither comes close to postpartum. She got a kiss, anyway.
*FOLLOWUP NOTE: This morning Rosanne was back on the subject of my birthday, only this time it was the "post mortem" of my birthday that she was talking about. I said "Rosanne, if you're asking for another kiss, I want you to know that this is a dead issue!"

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