My face has taken on Water Buffalo proportions after four hours of dental surgery in Hanover on Wednesday. Not to worry, however, this too shall pass.
I was gingerly spooning Cream of Wheat between swollen lips this morning when a Page 2 story in the Toronto Star caught my attention, "Stressed out? Have a little faith!" My philosophy exactly. I had to read more.
According to the report, a team of Toronto researchers has found that strong religious convictions can lower stress and enhance the performance of basic tasks. They came to that conclusion after putting 28 students through tests measuring both their religious fervour and their stress at making mistakes on a test. The students came from a variety of backgrounds, including Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist.
Michael Inzlicht, a psychological professor and lead author of the study in Psychological Science, said that religious people have a belief system to help them make sense of the world, so they can better accept the occasional mistake. He calls anxiety a "double-edged sword". While it can be a good thing to feel less stress, anxiety also pushes us to correct our mistakes and remain productive.
The key, it would seem then, is to find the right balance. We can do that! We just need to have faith.
...Thanks folks: I really appreciate followers of Wrights Lane who passed on kind words of support this past weekend as I was struggling to deal with the mysterious loss of 5o of my most recent posts. Turns out that there is a weakness in the Google blogger system that has yet to be resolved. I am amazed at the number of others who have experienced exactly the same problem.
...Just couldn't hold this one back: It may not qualify as one of her famous "Malaprops", but Rosanne came up with a good one yesterday. I have a habit of teasing her, sometimes unmercifully...Yesterday was one of those occasions. I can't remember now exactly what I was teasing her about, but it must have been pretty annoying. "You, you..." she said, pausing as if searching for something descriptive enough..."You're nothing but a hyprocondriac gone bad!" she shouted in frustration. I admit, her response did make me feel a bit strange. Was I ill, or was I just imagining it?
...Today's headline: "Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake"
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