20 March, 2023


I know, I am full of questions and free advice. Well, here is a whole bunch of questions and only one piece of advice based personal conviction of an old guy who has been around the horn a time or three and does not have much more time to spare...THE TIME IS NOW, SO DO IT!

Most people drift through life. Never reaching out for anything. Never choosing a destination and going for it. Just simply drifting.

While the days go by…One, by one, by one…Like pages in a book getting turned by the wind…And soon, they will reach The End. The final page of their life story. And as the book of their life begins to close, they will wonder to themselves: “What was that all about?”… if they still have the ability to wonder at all, that is.

If only we could wake up to the reality that we tend to drift and that there is so much more out there, waiting for us. And that the first step towards having this “more” is simply……to listen.

Is an inner voice asking us to do something? To be, build, or say something? Is there work we need to do, which we have been putting off?

So back to my opening salvo: Do not wait any longer; do it now!

I think the reason why so many people are on "autopilot" is because they are deep, deep down inside, terrified off opening up their ears, and truly listening to that Godly voice inside of them. Because “what if He asks me to do something scary?”

And so they close their ears and run away back into their unfulfilling “autopilot lives,” like Jonah ran away from Nineveh.

Remember: We only have today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

And if we constantly put off listening to God, and doing what He asks of us, until “tomorrow”, one tomorrow will turn into two, which will turn into three, which will turn into a thousand. And before you know it, you will be at the end of your life, swimming in an ocean of regret.

Today is all we have.

Today is our gift.
Today is the only time in which we can say ‘yes.’

What good, important thing have you been putting off until tomorrow? Only you can answer that question.

I leave the rest up to you my friend. Meantime, the life clock ticks away for all of us...and waits for no one!

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