04 February, 2023


Like me, a number of my friends have seen better days. And again, like me, some are struggling with demoralizing, debilitating health issues that go hand-in-hand with aging. This post is specifically intended for the comfort of all those dear souls.

I have an ongoing exchange with an interesting chap who has an extensive background in the study of numerology and metaphysics, subjects I tend to take with a grain of salt. But for the purposes of this post, quite beside the point.

Almost as if he sensed some of the things that I have been dealing with in recent months, he introduced me to a new way of thinking the other day and it all had to do with "cord blood you saved a very long time ago."

Interesting indeed. Worth further exploration to be sure.

Cord blood is the blood that’s saved from the umbilical cord in babies. It contains special DNA that can help fight disease later in life. "You went through a very rough patch at one stage in your life, but there was a golden lifeline that got you through. And that’s where your golden cord blood was harvested. You still have a vial of that magical life-saving blood and it’s the thing that’s going to save you from death right now," my suddenly very wise and prophetic friend suggested.

"Death usually means that you need to lose something in order to gain something more, but this time that isn’t true. Why? Because you’ve already lost enough in your life and just this once you can use that vial of cord blood to save yourself from more loss. So there’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of. In fact, it’s going to feel like you’re being born again," he added with assurance.

So what can you and I derive from this, dear reader? Well, it is as though you’re in the middle of winter in your life right now (which we are). Under heavy snow cover, not much vegetation is growing and everything feels like it’s standing still. But soon things are going to start growing again. In reality, it all depends on where you’re at in your life as we speak -- and what you need to feel so that you are getting more out of it.

It is pertinent to remember that very little in life remains the same for ever. That would be contrary to nature.

We do not actually have to put in effort for things to change. Everything is constantly changing anyway and we have potential to go with the flow through one of the biggest adjustments of our life. In my case it is in the form of a mental breakthrough. For some it might even manifest as a physical change in health, or a humane slowing down of the declining process.

Luckily for us and hypothetically speaking, we have that symbolic vial of cord blood in our pocket to work its wonder, so circumstances  don’t have to be bad before they get better. Things may be just a little slow right now. But like the approach of spring starts off slow with the ice melting before the plants start to grow -- the changes you’re about to go through are going to come gradually. You don’t have to stress about that. Just let things unfold naturally. The less you stress the better. 

Remember, you’ve likely been through a similar experience before. And the more you get worked up about it this time the more difficult the transition or change is going to be.‍

All we really have to do is be aware that our world is changing. The universe has the rest covered. The less we react to the changes the more the change will take care of itself. 

Let's stop worrying about conditions we cannot control, or bemoaning the way things used to be, and just go about our life enjoying the little pleasant surprises along the way. They’ll present themselves like tiny Crocus flowers that are the first to poke through the still cold soil in spring. And by the end of the season we’ll have a life full of wonderful flowers to enjoy.

I'm looking forward to it. In fact I can smell the roses from here, thanks to the existence of a magical vial of cord blood I've been saving up within me for times just like this.

Won't you join me in a life-altering transfusion my friends and do this thing called living...together!

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