19 January, 2023


I HAD  an earth-shattering dream last night...

"So what's so earth-shattering about that? Most of us had dreams last night," you might well interject.

Well, you didn't allow me to finish dear friend. My dream was about falling in love again and it was complete with knock-your-socks-off passion and emotions that are experienced only once or twice in real life, if you are lucky.

The dream was especially meaningful for me because at my advanced age I had almost forgotten what true heart-felt, head-to-toe love feels like. Certainly, I had reconciled the notion that, thanks to Mother Nature, any hope of experiencing even a hint of that had long passed me by. Cruel acknowledgement, but devastatingly true for someone who had always placed significance on genuine, reciprocal love shared only between star-crossed partners in a committed relationship.

I will spare the intimate details, but in my dream I had been stripped of a good 50 years and the young lady involved in the heavenly scenario was naturally beautiful in every respect. It was love at first sight for both of us and I was hopelessly a goner from the word go. On cloud nine, as it were. There was magic in even the slightest touch of our hands. We blended, as only star-struck lovers can. The ultimate.

I loved and was loved. Desired and was desired. No better feeling in the world! An awaking reminder, perhaps, of what I twice before shared in real life. 

All too brief, the dream concluded happily but abruptly when we, innocently enough, sat down to one of my very welcoming and gracious late mother's famous pot roast dinners. The 'ultimate' approval, in my estimation.

Customarily groggy upon awakening and slow to activate arthritic, jaundice-afflicted joints, I found myself literally bouncing out of bed this morning -- a good two hours earlier than usual. I was strangely invigorated (maybe 'rejuvenated' is a better word) and couldn't wait to start my day. I had a story to write...I had the blessing of feeling love again, even if it was in a dream, and I hope it will be sufficient now to last until I pass over to the other side in the not-too-distant future. I pray the memory serves me well.

Bottom line, we need to feel love in order to go on living. And I'll gladly take it where, when and however I can get it, no matter how brief and even if it is in a dream.

Love is sustaining and it behooves us to hang on to it and to make the most of it, keeping the spark alive for as long as it lasts. Never take love, or each other, for granted because you'll miss it when you don't have it.

Love dies only when the spark flickers and finally snuffs itself out.

Trust me!

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