10 December, 2022


Sad to say, as my 85th year rapidly draws to a close and I struggle with some health issues that are sure to get me in the end, I find myself struggling to hold on to purpose in what is left of my life. In so doing, I am reminded of the following story.

There was once a man who was ambitious but didn’t really know what he was good at. He tried his hand at various businesses:

-- Ferry boats services
-- Selling lamps
-- Gas station
-- Motel

Unfortunately, he failed at all of those endeavors.

He was already 65 years of age at that time. Most people would have tossed in the towel and just accept life as it is. But he refused to give up...He tried cooking.

One day, he accidently fried some of the best chicken he had ever tasted. Unknown to him this was the turning point of his life. You see, this man eventually fried "The World’s Best Fried Chicken". Then he sold his recipe for a million dollars.

Who is this man? And how did he ever succeed even at his advanced age?

You no doubt guessed by now that he is Colonel Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), a Food and Beverage restaurant chain that has 25,000 branches all over the world.

The secret to his finger-licking good success is simple. He didn’t let his old age get the best of him. You see, Sanders realized that his true purpose in life was to be a chef and serve great tasting fried chicken to the world. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how poorly you’ve done in life previously, overnight success can be achievable when one discovers their true purpose in life.

But here's the thing, not everyone is as lucky as Sanders. Some people die with the song that hasn’t been sung and that is a shame.

As Mark Twain once said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."

And you know what? I have just recognized, perhaps rediscovered, my purpose and it has everything to do with a God-given gift that I have increasingly sold short because I lacked faith in my ability to continue delivering in a meaningful way. I'm just not going to give in to that self-degrading impulse anymore.

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