03 February, 2022


HEY GUYS: Make no mistake about it...Now, more than ever, it is hard for women to fall in love. If you’ve found the one you're with by being special enough to make her fall for you and she is showing all the signs of potential true love, don’t let her go. Hang on to that precious soul with the endearing personality. Love and choose her more and more every day. Chances are you won’t get another opportunity for true love in life, so don't blow this one. Take the relationship you've started and make it the best it could possibly be. 

A man can receive no greater honor and privilege in life than the gift of love from that one special woman who magically is prepared to offer herself unconditionally and totally to him.

Just think about it for a minute.

A love that gives more than it takes from the object of her affection. A love that is patient and believes the best for her man. A love that doubts rumor mongers and forgives even when the rumor is proven as veritable moral sin against her by her man. The love that a widow has that won't let her marry another man, unlike a widower would. A love that loves, in spite of…

A love in which a woman intimately gives her heart, soul and body to a man with the resultant reproduction of a child from that union and the beginning of a family, intended or unintended at the time. A love that enables a father to assume a virtual standby support role while the mother by nature dutifully and lovingly (there we go with that word again) goes about her role as  day-to-day nurturer of the children born unto her. In addition, when the kids are old enough, more often than not these days a mom will go back to work or resume a career she had put on hold before opting to be a wife and mother, in order to help make ends meet on the home front. In other words, bless their hearts, they end up holding down two jobs for a period of time.

And how often do men take the love of a woman for granted without thinking much about it other than the fact that something about him must have appealed to her and he'll take everything he can get while the getting is good. Generally, men love believing they play a dominant role in the love-making process. It's all they've dreamt about since puberty when they became aware of the physical differences between males and females of the species.

I well remember my first late wife and I verbally expressing love for the first time. She chose the occasion to casually mention something about (our) babies, prompting me to say "what?" in surprise. "Well, if we are in love we will be getting married and then we will have a baby, won't we?" came her matter-of-fact and reasoned reply. "I guess so," was all I could muster in the form of response without completely spoiling the mood. I grew up in a hurry that night!

The girl was for real.

As I reflect on all of this, I come to the conclusion that in women God created a semblance of His Love for Man. A love that sees something special...A love that wipes away the goriness of sin, in all its manifestations. A love that gives without measure. A love so re-assuring to not take vengeance against unrequited love….and much more. When love becomes sacrificial and “self imploding” like God’s, then we can attest to the fact that it is divine; not an offspring of mere mortals!

Pretty heady stuff, I agree, but it is what I make of it.

Oh, I know I can be taken to task by feminists of the day and males who think I am not giving them credit for the role they rightfully play in marriage, but I sing the praises of women in retrospect as a male who was lucky enough to have experienced the love whereof I speak.

Trust me guys young and old, there is a slight chance that you will outlive the love of your life and, like me, you will find yourself thinking of what you once had and the divinely beautiful woman that gave it to you when you really did not know how blessed you were.

Even more sadly you will find yourself conceding that as fate wills it, that kind of selfless love and dedication will never come your way again. It can be a very empty, lonely feeling when nature takes it all away with the death of a spouse and leaves you a helpless witness to the biggest loss of your life, but that is the way our time on earth is destined to unfold.

If only we had it all to do over again -- times two in my case -- as a matter of fact.

...The things we would say and do differently, if only we could!

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