11 January, 2022


In collecting the scars of everyday exposure to the quirks of society -- and surviving -- I often have to give myself a serious shake in order to rationalize it all.

Many find merit in meditation as a stress reducer and enabler of empathy and compassion, but something about my make up does not allow my mind to go into the required state of neutrality. For me, strangely enough, there is nothing like that first cup of coffee in the morning to induce a peaceful and relaxed all-is-right-with-the-world sense of well-being within me.

It’s more than just being attracted to the aroma, and flavor of quality coffee. It’s more than caffeine’s ‘wake-up’ call, though, if I am honest, I will admit to being happy with the ‘increasing glow’ of its influence. It’s more the ambiance, the “feel-good” -- and the “presence” it brings.

Yea, through a looking glass of the 10 minutes it takes to savor that first coffee of the day, I then see clearly.

"I understand the 'feel-good' and clarity part but what about that 'presence' you refer to?" A very good question indeed. Thanks for asking.

One thing is for sure...None of us are getting any younger and the older we get the more friends and loved ones we lose. In general, we find ourselves at odds, even alienated, with many things and we retreat within ourselves. It is inevitable that as seniors we feel alone at times as circumstances and complications of life stack up against us.

The key for those of us who tend to periodically feel lonely and empty is to free ourselves from the past and our concern about the future. We do that by trusting in a holy "presence" and the role assigned to us in life, hence rising above momentary circumstances in order to experience joy and worthiness in the present.

And let's not so quickly skip over the role we are given to play in life...We all have one you know. God gave it to us at birth and in spite of sticks, stones and road blocks encountered along the way, we must never lose sight of that fact. If the world seems to be passing you by, don't let it. Catch up and keep in step as much as possible.

Remember that there is still a role for you to play, given your maturity and invaluable experience (dare I suggest wisdom) that a younger generation easily takes for granted. Don't always settle for respectful patronization in a world that needs what you have to offer.

That, in essence, is what is called faith in action and it is all about a trust through which we are free to be present in every moment of our existence. With that blessed trust, you have no room in your mind for the stresses that life may throw at you.

So whether you are meditating or relaxing over that first stimulating but soothing cup of coffee in the morning, listen carefully for a whisper in the quiet clarity of the moment: "My presence will go with you...and I will give your rest." Rest in the present and rest in the hereafter. Trust me, you will hear it if you listen. That will be your very own blessed assurance.

On that note, dear reader, I leave you with a timely homily about that unfailing presence of which we are speaking. You just might want to tuck it away in your memory bank for future reference.

Another year I enter
Its history unknown;
Oh, how my feet would tremble
To tread its paths alone!
But I have heard a whisper,
I know I shall be blest;
"My presence shall go with thee, 
And I will give you rest."

What will the New Year bring me?
I may not, must not know;
Will it be love and rapture,
Or loneliness and woe?
Hush! Hush! I hear His whisper;
I surely shall be blest;
"My presence shall go with thee,
And I will give thee rest."

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