06 December, 2021


A NOTE FROM DICK: Just before you read any further into this blog.

There is an expression currently circulating on Facebook to the effect: "Not everyone is going to understand you. So don't let what they don't know change what you do..." That quote reminds me of several others:

"I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understand from their own level of perception."

"Not everyone has to understand you...As long as you understand yourself."

We often try to change the people around us. We want them to understand our feelings and we want them to know what is on our mind. But when you recognize that not everyone can understand how you are feeling, the reality sets in.

Life is a journey we take on our own. Along this journey there will be people who feel similar to us or who can understand what we are all about, and those are the ones that we ideally keep around us. Those are the people that we marry even, God love them.

If you are on a spiritual journey, and you are trying to make others understand what you are experiencing, it will be difficult. In retrospect, if we remember the times before we were on this journey, we wouldn’t have understood any of it either. There are countless other examples to reinforce that reality.

Whatever journey we are on at this moment, it is ours to experience. I started Wrights Lane some 15 years ago not only to share my experiences with others but to pass on gleanings of a human interest and (hopefully) inspirational nature. The people who resonate with my work will keep reading while others who do not have an interest will take a pass because what I write simply does not fit their life plan.

It has taken a while, but I have learned to accept the things I cannot change and that in itself has taken a heavy burden off my shoulders.

As much as I would wish it otherwise, I accept the fact that "ya can't win em all."

Life is just that way!

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