29 August, 2021


Due to certain circumstances in my life lately I have found myself asking (myself) "why bother?"

Why bother with a lot of things...Why bother with the things I think important, but in the overall scheme of things don't amount to a pinch of you know what...And after all, who cares anyway.

The answer to “why bother” has a great deal to do with knowing your big "why", the overarching and central reason you do what you do. For example, you may be an attorney whose big why is to defend people who have suffered from medical malpractice because you personally know the pain of that injustice in your own life. You may be an artist or writer like me whose big why is to self-express in a world where people are controlled and conditioned by outside forces.

Then again, I'm sure there are those who don’t know their big "why", and even if they did, it would not guarantee that there will necessarily be an answer to their "why bother."

“Why bother” asks you to reach yet deeper into your heart to find the answer. “Why bother” asks you to find a life-affirming answer in the midst of helplessness and discouragement. You don’t find the answer to “why bother” without touching your own deep pain.

“Why bother” asks you to drop your ego, which leads you to believe you can make a difference, to continue to do what you do even if the difference is not recognized by others, and possibly not even by you at the time.

“Why bother” asks you to think beyond yourself to how others would be affected if you did or didn’t bother, and to find within yourself a generosity to care about that. It doesn’t tell you what to do, but it gives you the reason to make the choices you make.

I honestly believe that the best answer to “why bother” is that you care. Maybe it’s that you care enough about yourself to leave a harmful situation, or you care enough about someone to let them know how you truly feel. Maybe too, it is a special cause or undertaking with merit. You have to care to bother.

It is just that right now I care, but I can't help asking myself "why do I bother to care?"

Trust me, I'm reaching down deep to get to the bottom of it all because heretofore I have always wanted to "bother" and I would be unfulfilled otherwise.

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