06 August, 2021


People with sick fetishes, by and large, are opportunists.

I'm thinking in particular about individuals prone to child molesting (pedophilia, hebephilia -- you name it) who prey on youth activities -- minor sports, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, Big brothers Big Sisters and church and school-sponsored programs, to name a few; but easy pickings all. Ready made resource pools.

Just as an example, in Canada and the U.S. more than 12 million children under the age of 16 play organized sports, coached or otherwise, supervised by more than a million adults, many of them unscreened male volunteers -- which is to say, men on whom background checks have never been done.

See what I mean. 

Tragically, society knows all about decades of sexual abuse of minors and yet covered-up extensive abuse by its leaders – abuse that has robbed children of their innocence, further tarnished organizational image, and destroyed countless thousands of lives. This is a gut-wrenching and sickening story.

Increasingly we hear about coaches, teachers and religious leaders being charged and taken to court for various abuses of children and that is as it should be. But this by no means devalues the benefits to society in general of the implicated religious institutions and worthy youth development organizations.

It is not the churches and organizations themselves that are bad, it is the type of sick opportunistic individuals they attract or bring into their fold (paid and voluntary) that are undesirable, and should bear the brunt of blame -- and any resultant punishment, to the full extent of the law.

Sadly, fetishes can be suppressed or hidden in spite of the most thorough screening processes and cunningly held in waiting for opportunity at the expense of an innocent child. All the more reason for close scrutiny at all levels and parental education.

Not a nice post for Wrights Lane, but this too is reality.

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