15 May, 2021


The alleged thistle patch, a case of mistaken identity.

What Poppies will look like in two or three weeks time.

I simply cannot resist telling a little story at the expense of my daughter Debbie. She's a good sport and I'm sure she will not mind.

At the outset, I have to preface my remarks by saying that Deb is a wonderful help around the house, frequently taking it upon herself to do chores that I do not expect her to do and for which I am extremely grateful. That said, I have to convey up front that unlike one of her daughters (Becky) who works at the prestigious Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, she is by no stretch of the imagination a horticulturalist.

The other day Deb asked me: "Dad, do you have a small shovel  or spade?"

"Yes I do," I replied, "but what do you want it for?"

"There are some thistles growing out front and I thought I would dig them out," she answered.

"Strange," I thought, "but I don't remember seeing any thistles!"

Fortunately, as it turned out, the matter dropped at that point but it did not completely leave my mind.

The next day I remembered our conversation about thistles and thought that I would take a minute to explore the possibility of prickly weeds that some people consider to be a flower and the national symbol of Scotland, growing at the front of our house.

As soon as I got to the foot of the driveway and seeing no thistles, it dawned on me...Surely Deb was not talking about the small patch of Poppies that I have been nurturing for the better part of 20 years.

I rushed back into the house and without even seeing her blurted out: "Deb, those thistles you were talking about are really Poppies that in the next two or three weeks will be the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen....Thank goodness I didn't get you that shovel when you asked for it."

"Oh no! Deb responded while breaking out in laughter as she emerged from her bedroom..."I thought they looked like thistles. I didn't see any buds."

I managed a cursory chuckle in response and added: "The plants are not fully grown yet and will almost double in size before buds are formed. If you dug them out you would have not only broken my heart, but you would have had to find a new place to live!"

I still can't believe how close I came to losing those precious Poppies -- and Deb, somewhat embarrassed after the fact, can't either.

All I can say is...phew!


Debbie was hard at it this afternoon, but she steered
clear of the Poppies, thank God!

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