24 February, 2021


I hear often from a very talented young man who is a prolific piano player and writer. There always seems to be a message in everything he generates from his home studio. He kind of reminds me of myself, minus the piano ability. LOL

The other day he wrote about his darling little daughter and a mess she had left on his prized piano. I can't help but think that you will love his story as much as I have. Here it is:

"Shouldn't a beautiful piano be safe from the clutches of sugary apple drinks?

"Not in my house.

"As you may have guessed... Most of the things that you see in the 
Piano by Pictures Academy are filmed in the office of my home...The place that I spent so much time building my programs.

"Working from home is great...most of the time. For instance, 
I came down to answer some email this afternoon and saw an apple juice container on the piano and it was dripping between the keys. This huge piano no-no was of course carried out by my whirlwind of a two-year-old Stella.

"Don't let this picture fool you... she's cute but this girl can do some damage. (Stella is seen in the accompanying photo showing off a new pair of Unicorn boots.)

"I of course cringed, hurriedly cleaned up the juice, and then went to find Stella to let her know apple juice and the piano shouldn't be friends.

"As you may have guessed... I was mad.

"But when I walked into her play room, she looked up at me so excited, smiled and said: 'Daddy you came to play with me!'

"My heart melted.

"The frustration that I felt with my working at home situation completely evaporated. I dropped any thought of working for the moment, and got down on my hands and knees and played with a Princess Elsa doll.

"What does this have to do with you?

"When you get frustrated this week because your husband, wife, child, parents interrupt your work -- your TV show, or your piano practice time -- use those distractions as a reminder that they are in your life and instead of getting angry, be grateful to have them.

"And if someone puts some apple juice on your piano, give them a hug and tell them you love them anyway. They are worth more than a billion of the finest pianos!"

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