03 November, 2020


Think of it this way: The past as you have experienced it is your's alone...nobody else's. It is yours to own to your advantage. And this is by no means a selfish pronouncement or  acknowledgement.

You don't have to take a course in Freud to know that the past is a powerful force in shaping who you are right now. Actually there is no way the past can be ignored in the process of discovering who you really are as an individual occupying space on this planet and doing the best you can with what you've got.

To begin, we have all experienced trauma as children and sadly there are those (especially in the modern ecumenical era) who did not have the benefit of parents with the sensitivity and wisdom to channel God's healing love. Many grow up clutching fists and hugging their bodies either psychologically or literally, going through life scarred by all of the early uncertainty and fear of growing up.

It is only me speaking, but it seems to me this ought to be a priority of the faith community; to speak to the child inside each of us. We can all be parents to one another and say, "You are fine, you are loved!  You are the real one and only (unique) you!"

It should be acknowledged that we ere in labelling the past as either good or bad...All of our past is useful to us. We learn from what has happened to us and we also learn from our interactions with other people. We don't need to be condemned by our old memories, take it from someone who has a bushel basket full, but we can explore them and use them in building our lives as they are meant to be.

We claim the treasure of the past when we give it over to God of the Universe. Somehow we have to let go of the things from our past that are either painful or dear. This is where we really have to get serious now.

Multi-talented Karl A. Olsson: writer, preacher, teacher, literature scholar, decorated veteran of World War II (phew!) frequently said that one of the great acts of faith is found in Genesis where Abraham buried Sarah saying, "Give me property among you for a burying place for I may bury my dead out of sight." We keep our loved ones in our memory in an unhealthy way. We keep living with the dead to our own detriment.

Abraham was able to place his beloved Sarah in the Cave of Machpelah and to say "our life together is over," and to move on. This is how he honored his wife.

We have the Bible's word for it...We honor the past by burying it, walking away from it and into a new life. It is entirely our choice!

As far as I am concerned, I deal with a lot of my past by writing about it...thereby giving it over to the universe and God. I consider it a special double-whammy gift that I am able to share with others -- as humble as it is and for what it is worth.

Indeed folks, our yesterdays are gone, but they are dynamic fertilizer for everything we do today. Bearing in mind that we cannot live in tomorrow, though our dreams for tomorrow certainly shape today.

So, have at it! You and I make each day what it is. Many of the same experiences may come to all of us and yet find a very different response with each person. However, in a more profound sense, things do not happen to us entirely by chance. They can be the logical outcome of our life-style or attitude.

The important thing is that we understand who we are and that we enjoy being the truly unique individuals we are.

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