31 July, 2020


Cancer treatment drugs I've passed up.
Chemo drugs that I passed up.
It's taken me a few days to consider this post on Wrights Lane...Will I or won't I, that was the question?

Then, finally, I've written about most everything else in my life; so why not this? I reasoned.

A long story made short...against my oncologist's original recommendation, I opted out of another four months of chemotherapy treatments in my eight-month bout with colon cancer involving both ileostomy and permanent ostomy surgeries and necessary six weeks of advance chemo and radiation treatments to control and eventually facilitate removal of the invasive tumor.

Pretty heavy stuff, right? 

Well, in my 83rd year, I was just not prepared to undergo another four months of chemotherapy treatments and the debilitating side effects that go along with it. At this stage of my existence, I am more interested in quality of life and not the quantity of it. Why make myself sick(er) all over again with a pending recovery period that can last months? Especially when I am currently feeling the best that I have in recent memory.

The cancer tumor that was on the verge of totally blocking my colon is gone. What else can I ask for? I'll take my chances with whatever precious bit of life I have left! And managing the permanent ostomy appliance that hangs from my stomach as an inherited nuisance.

My oncologist earlier explained that she does not usually recommend further chemotherapy following surgery for someone over 75 years of age, but in my case there were no other over-riding health issues (heart, lungs) and she thought that I was strong enough to withstand follow up treatment. In the end, she left an inch-thick binder of relative information in my possession and the ultimate decision on my future. After three weeks of thinking about little else, I made that decision "Thanks but no thanks!"...and a load was lifted.

I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed a summer as much as this one. When I am not exhausting my 2,000 written words a day budget, I work on my house and yard at my leisure and spend countless hours outside on my porch eating most breakfasts and lunches, watching people go by, counting my blessings and -- yes...napping. If God is willing to give more summers like in 2020, then so be it. In more ways than one I am ready to accept whatever comes my way.

And, with any luck, I still have a few Wrights Lane musings still in the old think tank. 

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