06 May, 2020


(See ever-so-slightly edited video transcription below,  just in case I did not make myself clear, which is not beyond the realm of possibility.)
My video chat on the subject of "The Keeper of the Springs" yesterday serves as a perfect and timely segue for this follow up on the virtual eve of Mother's Day 2020.

Surprised? You thought that I had gone a little funny (weirder) by relating a less-than exciting story that had little relevance in today's world? After all, who wants to spend seven minutes listening to that kind of diatribe when there are so many other cute copycat online expressions, interesting illustrations, photographs and controversial outbursts to pick up on in a cursory daily scan of offerings by social media friends. Right!?

Well, excuse me...but there was method in my madness, camouflaged as it may have seemed (by my all-to-frequent vocal stammering and stuttering) to you the viewer.

I am here to suggest that there are no better "keepers of the springs" today than mothers and that there has never been a greater need for "polluted springs to be cleansed."

I believe women come nearer fulfilling their God-given function in the home than anywhere else. We need Keepers of the Springs who will realize that what is socially correct may not be morally right. We need women today who will lead us back to old fashioned morality, and what better time than now as we slowly emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic and as we re-think and re-organize life-style priorities.

As you think about your own mother, remembering her with love and gratitude -- in wishful yearning...I am quite sure that the memories that warm and soften the hearts of folks my age are not at all like the memories of children of today; for you are, no doubt remembering the smell of starch in your mother's apron
   or the smell of a newly-ironed blouse
      the smell of freshly-baked bread
         the fragrance of the violets the had pinned on her breast
            the times she took you aside and explained the facts of life
               the example she set simply by the way she lived her life.

The modern challenge to motherhood today is the eternal challenge -- that of being strong moral examples, dare I suggest godly in nature.

We hear about every other kind of woman today --
    beautiful women,
       smart women,
          sophisticated women,
             career women,
                talented women, 
                   divorced women,
                       single mothers.

Our schools no longer place any emphasis on Christian principles, thanks to worldly broadmindedness, and churches alone cannot do it. They (Christian principles) can never be taught to a child nowadays unless the mother herself realizes them and practices them in everyday family life in the home. It is a heavy responsibility!

I am paying close attention to several young families in my Southampton neighborhood who, in this period of social isolation, have reverted to (in many ways) good old-fashioned child rearing without the influence of the outside world and that is sure to have positive reflection in the future. 

The inbred motherly instinct surely does exist and it is, in my view, starting to surface in real time and in the face of a world-wide catastrophe.

I have reason to believe that idealism is not dead. I believe that young mothers of today have the same bravery and the same devotion to the things worthwhile that their mothers and grandmothers had. And that, just in the nick of time, they are realizing the importance of preserving the best of our heritage, and God knows if we loose it at this stage in our country it is forever gone.

That is the sole reason for my videos of the past two days.

Keepers of the Springs, we salute you!

Happy Mother's Day to each and every one of you.

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