31 March, 2020


I am subject to some very disturbing dreams bordering on nightmares. 

As I was attempting to wipe out the lingering emotional impact of one of those horrifying scenarios while still in bed this morning, my thoughts mercifully turned to pleasant memories of special incomparable things that tend to linger in the recesses of the mind. (The mind, in retrospect, can be a wonderful and mysterious thing.)

"Hey, I'm on to something," was my immediate reaction and the "there's nothing like..." thought exercise was instantly formulated. I spent the next 10 minutes thinking about: There's nothing like the smell of fresh brewed coffee in the morning, then I remembered thoughts of my mother's pot roast in the oven as I wiggled in the church sanctuary pew on Sunday mornings when I was a kid, and of the freshness of the air after a warm rain in the summer. The flood gates then opened.

There's also nothing like (in no special order):

  • a loving embrace from that someone special in your life
  • the smell of a freshly-powdered baby
  • a dog or cat snuggling up on your lap
  • the taste of that first beer on a scorching summer day
  • the giving of an unsolicited gift
  • a walk on the beach
  • a freshly made bed
  • God answering a prayer
  • biting into a slice of homemade rhubarb pie from your garden
  • listening to your favorite music
  • a sense of accomplishment
  • going barefoot in the grass
  • wearing a new shirt for the first time
  • the satisfaction of a good meal
  • expressing (and receiving) appreciation
  • a good night's sleep
  • waking up in the morning, eager to start your day
  • creating something -- anything
  • finding a quarter on the sidewalk
  • forgiving and forgetting
  • pulling weeds
  • a hug
  • a kiss
  • being in a crowd and feeling you belong
  • family
  • thinking about all of the above and forgetting about a bad dream.
Now try it for yourself folks...It worked for me!

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