27 March, 2020


CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Went shopping for a few grocery items this afternoon at Foodland and while at it thought that I would check out the paper products isle...just in case a miracle had happened and toilet paper was back on the shelves. And what to my wondering eyes should appear -- a lonely package of hoarder's delight tucked back in the corner -- 8=24 triple rolls of the most beautiful toilet paper I'd ever seen. Hardly believing my eyes, I hesitantly touched it and sure enough, it was real. And like a lost lover, I wrapped my sterilized, longing hands around it and tenderly placed it in my cart. The soft plushness of the firmly wrapped rolls left me with a swooning flushed feeling. There was no one in the vicinity to witness my elation and I was kind of glad...Imagine getting that excited over toilet paper...What's this world coming to?

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