09 August, 2019


Happy August, everyone!

Give yourself a big gold star if you’ve made it to this point of the Summer with even just a little bit of your sanity intact! 

Summer in general is a busy time of year for most of us with so many places to go and people to see, doing the things you waited all winter to do. Personal and household chores to catch up on. Not enough hours in the day. This Summer has been a doozy on the world front too...compounded by political haranguing with elections on the horizon, human destruction en mass and environmental disasters dominating the news almost daily.

And, know what? The only thing you need to free yourself from all of this is you, and the choice to not let the chaos of the world bring you down. When YOU make that choice, you liberate yourself and you are empowered to become your own change-maker. 

Now the key to finding the freedom we all seek is realizing that most of the stress we feel is self-made. 

Funny thing, but have you ever noticed that you worry about something that hasn't even happened?...It may happen. It may not happen. And most of the time, it doesn't happen. In other words, we fear the worst.

If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment friends, just take a few seconds to count the many blessings in your life. Smell the roses. And enjoy that absolutely perfect August weather God has been giving us in the best country in the world at the best time of year.

It is really not such a bad world after all!

Just slow down a bit and enjoy it!!!

Let the warm sun engulf you and the gentle breezes of August combine to sooth your soul.

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