05 December, 2018


"Hey Poppa! This blind is down and I can't see what's happening outside!"

By Matilda Wright


I don't mean "rough" in human terms...I mean "rrruuff" in dog language, which when interpreted means "hello".  You people make communications so difficult!

Since considerable time has lapsed since my original introductory post, I thought that it was time I updated folks on the way life has been unfolding for me. My first few months with Poppa have been better than I ever imagined. I literally have all the comforts of home...lots of good food and water, comfy furniture to lay on and someone to cater to my every need, not to mention sleep beside any time of the day or night when the sandman suddenly overtakes us at any given moment.

I'm really not the same girl that Poppa rescued from the vet's office that star-crossed day (it seems like a lifetime ago). I'm more relaxed and secure in my new environment and, dare I say, a good two pounds heavier in weight. Not that I'm spoiled or anything, but it all seems to go with the territory I have come to know as "Wrights Lane".

There are a few things about existence in a Poppa's world that I am still trying to figure out, however. Admittedly, I am a bit protective and inquisitive by nature but...Well, for example:

  • I consider that I have a two-fold duty -- 1) warning all oncomers that Poppa and I are a pair to contend with and 2) trespass on our territory, and do so at your own risk. For some reason, however, my insistent barking on such occasions seems to upset Poppa.  He continually yanks on my leash and commands me to "be quiet", leaving me to ask "What is a dog supposed to do? Be quiet in the face of potential danger posed by strangers and other animals?" Doesn't make sense to me!
  • I love to sit on the back of our chesterfield and look out the window where I can observe all outdoor activity. Whenever I see people walking by, other animals (especially squirrels) and suspicious automobiles, I feel that it is incumbent on me to announce my presence and at the same time advise Poppa in the only manner I know how -- by barking loudly, naturally.  Once again, he yells "It's okay 'Tilda...Quiet!" Go figure.
  • Poppa is now in the habit of pulling the blind down on our window so that I can't see out.  He doesn't realize that I can still hear things going on outside and it frustrates me not to know the source of what I interpret as a disturbance that we need to be aware of. Why do people put blinds on windows that are supposed to be for the purpose of looking out"?...In my mind, blinds kind of defeat the purpose.
  • Because I am "attached to Poppa's hip" (his words), I like to sit beside him at meal time and watch what he has to eat. I have learned that if I look at him with sad eyes and turn on feminine K9 charm, he will eventually share morsels from his plate with me.  He draws the line, however, when I jump up on the table to get a better view of what's there.  Again, leaving me to ask: "If people can eat from a table, why can't dogs?" 
  • Oh, just one more thing that is bothering me...On the odd occasion I have seen Poppa kiss other people, but when I try to give him a juicy one (kiss, that is) he grimmaces and profusely wipes his face with his shirt sleeve. Now I ask: What's with that? After all, he knows where I've been, doesn't he?

  • So, as you can see, there are a few things that we are still working on together. We continue to learn about each other and to make necessary adjustments when we understand. I wouldn't say this out loud, but I'm getting the feeling that the more Poppa teaches me, the more he learns himself. And from a dog's standpoint that is as it should be. Eventually I'll have him trained.
Contrary to popular opinion, we're not all dumb animals you know!

'Til next time people!

Rrruuff, rrruuff (two rrruuff's mean goodbye).

(With thanks to my ghost writter who shall remain nameless.)

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