14 December, 2018


'Tis the season for me to resurrect a few of my Santa Claus memories and photos. Back in 1990 I was a Santa Claus at the Bramalea City Centre in Brampton. One of my (Santa's) visitors that year was unsuspecting two-year-old granddaughter Alyssa who will celebrate her 30th birthday December 30 this year.  Below is a yesteryear flashback clipping from the Toronto Star published about 10 years ago describing tiny tot Adrian Lawrence's first glimpse of Santa Claus (identical setting with me at the shopping mall) that same year and believe it or not I very vividly remember the occasion and the little girl's earpiercing, uncontrolable screems. Adriana would also be 30 years old today. I agree with her grandmother that both photos are "treasures".


Once you've played Santa Claus you never totally get it out of your system. When you immerse yourself into the role of the Jolly Old Gent on a legitimate basis, you take on an entirely new perspective of the greatest of all traditional myths.

In truth, not everyone can pull off being a realistic Santa or Santa's helper, depending on the dictates of the occasion.  It takes someone with a light heart and a genuine love of children, who himself has never really fully grown up and understands childish fantasy. Most importantly, to make the transformation believable, one has to be the biggest ham imaginable and a bit of a thespian to boot.

Over the years I have played Santa Claus in just about every possible setting and venue -- Sunday School concerts, hospitals, children's parties, company staff parties, community parades and major shopping malls. One of my most memorable experiences as Santa came when I skated out onto arena ice and into a swarm of 200 screaming junior figure skaters ages four to 10 (see photo below from the St. Thomas Times-Journal, circa 1969).

No question about it, there were a few minutes of sheer panic on the ice as I struggled helplessly on my blades against the force of kid power which did not let up until we crushed into the boards at the opposite end of the rink.

"Never again," I vowed...Santa learns the hard way! 

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