"What's this reach from within stuff that you talk about, you silly goose? Explain yourself a little better my friend!"
That question may be quite in order after reading my holiday weekend post, below.
I should explain, unlike a lot of bloggers, I do not push causes and I do not pretend to have all the answers. Most of the time when I write it is like I am talking to myself. I share insecurities, experiences and seek rational solutions through communication with you, my small and intimate audience. I pass on seriously-considered food for thought in the hope that it may influence, or impact, the life of someone else.
When I advocated reaching from within in the previous item, I was talking about digging down to a inner spiritual sense called "intuition". Some may call it the voice of the soul; some may call it the voice of God; some may call it a sixth sense. In the degree that we open ourselves to this (divine) inflow, does this voice of intuition speak clearly to us. In the degree that we recognize, listen to, and obey our intuition, does it speak even more clearly until such time as it is unerring in its guidance.
My conviction is that, so far as physical life is concerned, all life is from without. There is an immutable law which says: "As within, so without; cause, effect." In other words, the thought forces -- the various mental states and emotions -- all have direct effects upon the physical body and our ultimate actions; i.e. if we want to be of a strong, healthy body, we first have to be of a strong, healthy mind that is stimulated by the cumulative influences of kindliness, love, benevolence and good-will.
So when I suggested taking time to "reach from within" on the weekend, I meant forgetting the baggage of everyday life and relying on inner intuition to tell us how to concentrate on the things that are really important to us, and the actions we must take as a means toward fullness of life, bodily health and vigor. We all have it within us. We just have to reach down for it and heed the inner voice we hear!
"Within yourself lies the cause of whatever enters into your life. To come into the full realization of your awakened interior powers, is to be able to condition your life in exact accord with what you would have it." -- Words written by Ralph Waldo Trine, 1890.
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