17 June, 2010


Sometimes we get so caught up in our everyday existance that we forget the people who make a difference in our life are not necessarily the ones with the most money, the greatest credentials, or the biggest awards.  As an interesting exercise, take a few minutes to ask yourself the following questions:

The people who make a difference…

-Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
-Name the last five recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Name the last five winners of the Miss World contest.
-Name ten people who have won an Olympic Gold Medal.
-Name the last five Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

How did you do?

Who cares?  The point is that none of us remember the answers to such trivial questions and even if we do, what good is that knowledge outside of taking part in a quizz show? These people are the best in their fields and yet the applause dies, awards sit on the shelf and achievements are forgotten.

Here's another set of questions.  See how you do with these:

-Name two friends who have helped you through a tough time.
-Name five people who have taught you something meaningful.
-Name a teacher or mentor who made a difference in your life.
-Think of a few people who always make you feel appreciated.
-Name a couple of people whose stories have inspired you.
-Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.

Was this a little easier to complete?

The people who make a difference in our lives are not the ones with the most money, the greatest credentials, or the biggest awards. They are the ones who genuinely care and remain in your heart  and memory always.  Remember?

At the request of Greg Writer, Inspiration Manifestation.

The truth will heal (a follow up)

"We are doing these things here today, and for the rest of the term of this commission, for one simple reason:  the truth will heal us all.

"Our goal is to lay the groundwork that will help us to close the divide between aboriginal people and the rest of Canadians.  We will do that through the sharing of truths and understandings so there is a role for each of us."

Manitoba Justice Murray Sinclair, head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, speaking at the hearing's opening ceremonies yesterday in Winnipeg.  Aboriginal prayers and languages reportedly  heard in the background alongside Christian prayers in French and English. 

The commission is part of a landmark agreement reached with survivors of abuse in government and church-run residential schools over the course of the past century.

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