07 April, 2010


In a world populated by almost seven billion people, many of them achieving wonderful things in the fields of science, technology, communications, finance, art  and human relations, it is quite easy and natural for some of us to feel just a little insignificant at times.  Certainly, I know that I do and I'm sure I'm not alone.

The feeling of insignificance frequently comes over me in particular as I sit down to commit my thoughts to the computer and ultimately, Wrights Lane.  "What purpose is this serving?  Who really cares?  In the overall scheme of things today, can I realistically expect to have any impact at all?"  At times such as that, I find it helpful to review my motivation or purpose in publishing this site: "...if I have felt, experienced or questioned something in life, then surely others must have too.  That's what this blog is all about -- relating in some small way and sharing..."
My point is that every single one of us has a purpose in life regardless of status or degrees of  talent  and intelligence.  We just have to remind ourselves of this fact when we are feeling lost or insignificant in the crowd of this world.  It helps also to be able to understand what our purpose is. There is something strange in our psyche that makes us question our relevance at low periods in our life, especially as we grow older and take inventory of just what we have contributed to the world in general.
There is a story about an artist who was sitting on the grass one day and looking up into the soft billowy branches of a small tree snuggled between two giant Redwoods.  "You are making me very happy by allowing me the benefit of your wonderful sturdy trunk and the beauty of your lovely leaves that shield me from the hot sun," commented the artist.

"Thank you," replied the small tree.  "That is nice to hear because the Redwoods are everyones' favorites and no one ever seems to notice me".
The artist then told the tree how he used to feel that he was totally incapable of competing against other great artists until one day a friend pointed out that we are all on this earth for a purpose and if we learn to accept what we are and do our best with it, we will have great satisfaction even if we never rise to the pinnacle of our expectations.   He then repeated how the tree's purpose had been fulfilled that day by giving him the much-appreciated shade, not to mention the fact that it was keeping the Redwoods from being too close together and more importantly it was continually feeding valuable nutrients into the ground.
As he rose to his feet to leave, the small tree was standing as tall as it could, preening its leaves, and the artist was very glad to have given it a boost.  He thought to himself:  "What I just told the tree about fulfilling a purpose, also applies to me...I think that now, we are both doing just fine!" 
True enough, we are individually unique, and there will always be someone or something that needs what we have to offer and when we do, our purpose is fulfilled even though we do not necessarily realize it and the world rarely acknowledges it.   

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