12 March, 2010


I am very happy to report that we brought Rosanne home from hospital in Owen Sound last night after a two-week stay in the intensive care unit.  She remains a "very sick lady" (words of attending doctors)  but she has made wonderful progress and has adopted an extremely positive attitude which is personally encouraging.  With love, support and understanding, she will make it!  We have a wonderful team of home-care specialists to look after her.  After spending 12 hours on an air-filled gurney pad in the emergency department of Southampton hospital two weeks ago, Rosanne told an EM nurse: "The only reason I'm agreeing to a transfer to Owen Sound is to get a decent bed to sleep in."

Glad to hear that old Dresden chum Lynn Martin is progressing nicely after a very serious heart attack.

Those who attended Lambton-Kent District High School in the early 1950s will be saddened to learn of the passing of Charles Cajka in Ottawa General Hospital this week after a lengthy struggle with cancer.   Charlie was 74 years of age.  He was a graduate of the University of Western Ontario and was an exploration geologist and mineral economist.  Upon retirement,  he operated a heating and cooling business.  His sister Mary predeceased him.

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