24 September, 2009


Listen up old Dresden school chums!
Do the names Bob Peters, Betty Wilmott, Alan Pegg, Donna Latimer, Sandra Cobbum, Sheila Raymond, Anne Stevens, Tiny Santing, Martha Deacon, Jack Skinner and Larry Gray mean anything to you? 
Well, for one thing, the above-mentioned were all budding poets some 55 years ago.  To the best of my knowledge their creative efforts were only ever published once and in my ongoing preoccupation with nostalgia I have stumbled on them.
For the next couple of weeks, starting Sept. 25, I will bring back to life some surprising scholarly renderings that are sure to spark fond memories for certain readers of Wrights Lane.  It should be fun!  The devil is making me do it.
On an unrelated subject of "self-fulfillment", an interesting question was posed recently.
"If you were to be followed by a camera crew 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the next 100 days, how would you conduct yourself?"
Human nature being what it is, three things would undoubtedly happen.
...1) You would START doing things you say you should.
...2) You would STOP doing things you know you shouldn't.
...3) You would MAKE performance gains and change your life.
This would all become "reality" through a self-imposed discipline of accountability which forces us to understand all unfinished goals, projects and relationships, and that's a good thing.  Accountability facilitates good character, credibility and lends itself to accomplishment in our lives.
But in all of this, we often fail to realize that we do have 24-7 surveillance and it is not in the form of a camera crew artificially making us perfect the way we live...It is in the form of our Heavenly Creator who has laid out for us the only perfect blueprint for living. 
It is every bit as important to know WHO we are accountable to as it is to know WHAT we are accountable for.

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