09 April, 2009


The British Medical Journal once put it this way: "There is not a tissue in the human body wholly removed from the influence of the spirit."
In other words, it has been discovered that there is a closer relationship between our minds, our emotions, the state of our spiritual health, and our bodies, than doctors thought possible at one time. For instance, it is a well-known fact that the hyper acidity often leading to stomach ulcers, is directly caused by emotional stress and, generally, a sense of frustration. Many of us can vouch for that out of personal experience.
Physicians have also recognized that the same is equally true of other diseases. No constitutional disease is free from the effects of mental strain. An internationally known specialist in arthritis has recently stated that it has been increasingly evident that physical health is closely associated with, and often dependent upon, spiritual health.
So it seems to me that if tension and worry are the great sins of our day, and if they affect not only our spiritual health, peace of mind and happiness, as well as our physical health, it is certainly worthy of our utmost efforts to learn how to overcome them.
A young man, about to be brutally crucified, once offered his "yoke" to the world. The yoke He imposed was an easy one. It does not chafe, hurt or hold you back. On the contrary -- it takes away pain, gives freedom and leads to a fuller and happier life. (Matthew 11:28)
To me, a perfect antidote for what ails us. How can we not reach out and grasp it?.
Something to ponder this Easter weekend!?
NOTE FROM DICK: Check your newspaper this weekend, even television newscasts. How many stories are there about the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs compared to references to the real meaning of Easter and why it should be celebrated. Kind of tells you something about society as it exists today.

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