07 August, 2008

Good and tough golfer in the making?

...maybe, if he plays as good as he did "yesterday"

Some things are just too good to keep to yourself, like the Golf poem written by my grandson Ryan (pictured at right) when he was about eight years of age. He may not be the next challenger to Tiger Woods but there is every possibility he could be the literary world's new Edgar A. Guest whose poem "Yesterday" was featured in the previous Wright Slant post. While Ryan has gone on to produced some extremely colorful prose, I am proud to share his first poetic effort with you at this time.

by Ryan Rocha
I love golf, I really do.
I swing the club without saying boo.
One day my friend took me out for a shot
And I really did good, he said I was hot.
My Poppa soon gave me his old club,
He too played golf and that was no lub'.
Then on my birthday I got a great gift,
It was a bag and clubs that I could not lift.
My Dad showed me how to loosen the strip
So I could carry it without breaking a hip.
This is my story about golf and its stuff...
Soon I will be good and really tough.
Dedicated to Poppa Wright and family.
Thanks for the clubs and bag!

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